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Forum: NHL Signings22 hours ago
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>kurvaux</b></div><div>I remember the 2021 offseason.

"Why didn't we resign Dougie????"
"Why did we trade Jake Bean????"
"Why did we trade Ned????"
"Why did we sign DeAngelo????"
"The canes are cooked"
"Fire Don"

And then we won the metro and all the people losing their minds forgot about it. I get that emotions run high but this is just how this franchise operates. We have success by thinking outside the box and not doing what everyone expects us to do. People are flipping their **** when we haven't seen the team play a single game.

Everyone was wanted to fire Don in 2021 and now people are doing the same with Tulsky when, it should be said, the season hasn't started. This team made the playoffs in 2019 with 37 year old Justin Williams on our first line, we're not going to collapse into nothing just because we let our aging veterans walk. Patience is a virtue, one that our fanbase lacks, as I've discovered the last 24 hours.</div></div>

"put Forlsing to waivers"
"trade Luostarinen to FLA"
"Let Trochek walk"
"Give Kotkaniemi huge overpayment"

Yes Carolina is thinking outside the box. Not working so well so far. Forsling was FLA best defender in playoff run and Luostarinen FLA key PK guys and ice in the end of the games. Trocheck have one of NHL best contract atm. Basicly all Waddell trades has left or re-traded. Ofc if you are happy to be playoff team and not real contendor, then good job so far.

and yes, i do follow and watch Carolina games.
Forum: NHLFri. at 5:45 a.m.
Here small summary of game 7 and couple hot takes for the summer.

I think both had chances to win game 7. I did listen interviews from boht side after game and season ending interviews from EDM. I believe Knoblauch say he didnt like first period a lot. I personally thought that at start of first period Florida was playin too agressive checking games and i was thinking o boy, Florida will lose this game, because i felt Edmonton will get some rush and score from it. Florida was able to find they game after Foegle did take early penalty. I never been fan of McDavid and Draisaitl, but i do appreciate McDavid more now, he did try his best to lead team to Cup. I fully understand him not going to collect Conn Smyth, he just lost game 7. McDavid didnt made any points in last two games, but he didnt cheat in defence zone. They did use only one PP unit in Finals and most of the playoffs and regular season. That i am not fan of it, i understand it was best PP, but they did got scoring from they third/fourth liners too, and could have give them some looks in PP too. McDavid and Draisaitl was tired in third period and it was first big minus for Knoblauch, he did miss play them in third period and did take Skinner out too late. McDavid didnt had fuel left in his tank when Skinner finally got pulled. You cant blame any players for that. Florida was best team in NHL when they are lead. They are build to defence. I think they havent lost any games in regular time if they lead start of third period in two year? (Maurice era) Maybe i remember that stat wrongly? Just like Edmonton was best offensive team, Florida was best defensive team and we did see the battle of opposites and this time defence did win, because they made first goal. Edmonton had they chances too, oh boy they did get close couple time.

I am happy for Florida. I was cheering them because there was playing so many finns and Ruutu my old favorite player was assist coach in there, but i wouldn be sad either if Edmonton would have won, because i fell love on they fans. They have great and loud fan base. I do believe that most of the critic towards players come from media and Edmonton haters, but sometimes players get critic from Edmonton fans too like Skinner. I did watch a lot Edmonton games when Koskinen was playing in the Edmonton and i saw how high potential Skinner had. I so so much wish him all the best. I wish who ever will be new GM of Edmonton that they continue trusting Skinner, he is future goalie in my mind. I think he can be same what Price was for Montreal and Hellebuyck is for Winnipeg. In Skinner case, its more difficult, because McDavid take most of the spotlight and team have Bouchard and Draisaitl too.

Congratulations for Florida, i am glad they was able to win. I dont think it would been fair to them to be regognized as biggest choke in history of team NA sport. I am happy for Zito too. Its look like he truly love hockey and his team. I am happy for every Florida players, staff and fans too. Congratz!

Hot Takes to Summer for Edmonton

Try to trade Draisaitl and get couple key players back. RNH is solid and good second line center,he can product as much as Draisaitl. He is also loving to play in Edmonton and did take big discound on his current contract. Do as Florida did when they did trade Huberdeau. Maybe Edmonton could try to trade Draisaitl to Ottawa for Brady Tkachuk and Sanderson? Is Ottawa ready to give Sanderson tho is question mark?

Hot Takes to Summer for Florida

Do not re-sign Reinhard if its go over 8,5 milj. Do not Re-sign with Mountour if its go over 6,5Milj. Who ever playing with Barkov playing they career best years. Maybe try to tarket players like T. Terväinen, T. Bertuzzi, J. Zucker, M. Duchene, M. Domi, B. Skjei, A, Carrier, M. Dumba or C. Tanev. Maybe try to get 1-3 forward from listed and 1-2 d-man.

I will try to do small re-check to my regular season predictions and small free agent predictions in Fearless Assassins site. Its not hockey site, its mainly Wolfenstein Enemy Territory gaming clan. I have major health problems and heat causing me exta problems, so i cant promise anything. If you are interested to read my "hockey news and predictions" You can do it in Fearless Assassins site, because this site will be closed soon, or i would have continued posting these in here too. I hope that someone has enjoyed to read these and i can bring little bit happiness to someone when he read these. I have strong opinions as everyone who have big passion towards hockey, but i do not want to be disrespectful towards any teams or fans. As every fan, i am also biased when writing/talking on my favorite players.

Thank you and have nice summer everyone!
Forum: NHL TradesJun. 25 at 12:14 p.m.
Forum: NHLJun. 24 at 2:34 p.m.
Here come summery of serie and my prediction for game seven. Note. I do write more on mental things, because i am huge believer on those. I am not tactical nerd, but i like to watch interviews and learn mental effects on games.

Games 1-6

Finals been epic. Today we see game seven and winner takes it all. Many was ready to count Edmonton out even before puck dropp in game one. Most of us non-Edmonton fans was talking about sweep before game 4. I watched all six games, i do think its fair serie to be 3-3. First game Edmonton was better, but Bob stole that game, game 2 Florida was better and in game 3 we did see change when Florida was stronger in first half of the game and then Edmonton did take lead of game and serie, even that they lost game 3. Edmonton was better in game 4 and we was thinking, did Florida lose to win it in home. In game 5 Edmonton was stronger, even that Florida had they moments, but team which prodect lead, is usually giving more chances than team which try to tie game. Game 6 was bad game from Florida and Edmonton was strong.

I think, no matter which team win, McDavid should win Conn Smyth. He has been best player so.

There is still game left, but look like Skinner is outplaying Bobrovsky after all. In my prediction, i did gave minor advange to Skinner. He has been very good in must win situations, when Bob stats on those havent been great. Edmonton had they adversitys in Vancouver serie, where Skinner was searching his game and some Dallas games they was in difficulties too. Florida did beat great teams in run to playoffs, but they didnt need to see big adversitys. I do believe its better to see difficulties in run to Cup than in Stanley Cup finals.

Why Florida lost 3-0 lead

I did see a lot red flags, when Maurice was basicly joking after loses and was saying he like they game. Players didnt show any killer mentalitety, they was just happy to be in situation where they are ”having one, two or three match points”. Now those are all gone, and still they dont look team who have killer mentalitety. Players are still too casual in interviews, they just talk about how its dream to play in Stanley Cup final game 7. Dream should be to win Cup. Florida basicly havent made any line changes and Maurice been happy on game, even that Florida been in difficulties. Tkachuk, Reinhard, Verheage and Montour lacking of score has cost them games.

Florida win if:

Now Florida have to recongnise feeling of shame what it will be if they lose, they have to fight to not be team who everyone know as ”choke”. They have to remember what it did feel to lose Vegas last year. Barkov, Tkachuk, Reinhard, Verheage, Montour, Forsling and Bobrovsky have to play they best game of they year. Third line what was one of strongest two-way lines in earlier have to find they game back. Bobrovsky have to show mental strongest, he was strugling in last games, even that you couldnt put any goals to his fault, he was dropping a lot pucks front of him and didnt always track puck. I see Skinner had upperhand on Bobrovsky so far. Florida might have to play dirty game and get a lot stops on game to kill Edmonton momentum. Make it huge defence baddle and not doing any mistakes. Make it ”bit poor final.”(to kill Edmonton momentum) Those are keys what might help Florida to win Cup.

Edmonton why they was able to tie serie to 3-3?

Knoblauch has been stronger coach so far, he has made key changes to lineups in finals and through playoffs, like putting Skinner back to net in Vancouver serie. Players had hunger, they didnt want to be team which been swept. McDavid been they leader. They did recognise how bad it will be if they would be swept. Skinner has been very strong in Stanley Cup finals, when Bob have .888save% and Skinner have .909% and 2.38GA in these Finals. Bob career Stanley Cup finals stats are not great .867% and 3.76 4-7 record from two seasons. Skinner has made many key saves in key time. Havent lose any game 4, 5, 6 or 7 in these playoffs. McDavid has beat Barkov. McDavid also been very strong in defence zone and team got more scoring from they depth player. I been crying Edmonton to not use McDavid and Draisaitl in PK for years, because you could use them more in even strengh and it would give other players more gametime. What would make them feel more as part of the team. That also been one of key reasons why PK been so good, and its nothing away from McDavid and Draisaitl. I see PK having bigger impact on this serie than they PP, whats been good too.

Edmonton win if:

I do think that if they score first goal and second, it might be too much for Florida to come back. If Florida score first, i do think that Edmonton can get more motivation, than what Florid could get. I mean. If Edmonton score first, what would Florida coach or captain say in intermission if game is 1-0 or 2-0 for Edmonton? For Edmonton being down 1-0 or 2-0 would be just part of the great story what they might write if they come back and win it. Right? Not letting momentum go too high. I believe its key them to be patiance. They havent been in situation where they had to play 0-0 for long times yet. They havent play games where you dont have almost any scoring chances(in tie situation). Edmonton has been playing good defence game, but they cant let Florida to frustrate them if they are 0-0 situation or behind 1-0 long time. Patiance is key. I do think they have keys in they hands to win this.

In game seven, everything is possible, in game seven luck can play huge part. Lets hope game will be great and who ever wins it fair and honestly. Lets hope luck not play too big role in here. Anyway. Thank you for the season. I will update free agency and trades and will start do new NHL news ready, so i can post those before season start. Dont take what i write too seriously, i do it for fun, so hopefully you have enjoyed reading my news.

Lets enjoy last game of the season 2023-2024 whats been great season, where we did see many great stories and great hockey.
Forum: NHL TradesJun. 20 at 5:22 a.m.
Forum: NHLJun. 13 at 1:47 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>aadoyle</b></div><div>And its getting more proved now

FLA is just running wild and using the bully tactic to perfection on them

Dam if LAK just threw that final game probs would have had bully vs. bully again lul</div></div>

Yeah. With different kind of system where actually two best teams could play in Finals, Finals could be FLA vs NYR. Current system is not fair to all teams. How many first round LAK vs EDM or BOS vs TOR series we have seen? Some divisions are stronger and its not fair to fans to see they teams losing in round one, when they could have been in second or third round with more favorable match up. I did like old system more or system what most of EU use. 1 vs 16, or 2 vs 15 or 3 vs 14 and so on. Ofcourse travel distances in North-America is a lot longer than example in here Finland, so i understant why its not wise to use 1vs16 system, but old system what NHL did use was better in my mind.

Honestly i do think too that VGK could have won EDM, but in the end, you have to win who ever comes against you and only Stanley Cup matters. So if you lose in first round or in Stanley Cup its lose anyway and those who win, will be remembered.

Finals been great to watch. I didnt like that Draisaitl didnt got suspension and i hope, that players not take justice to they own hands try to hurt anyone. Personally i do think you can play hard, but crosschecks and hits to head should be automatic match penalties. Those can end players careers or leave them paralyzed rest of they lives. NHL should take care of they players. Players try to win Cup and they do anything for it, they play through sever injuries and if they see that injuring other players help them win Cup, there will be always guys who are ready to use that leverage. Luckily Barkov should be able to play in Game 3.