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Jul. 3, 2015
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Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 14 at 8:51 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>jMoneyBrah</b></div><div>No. There would have to be more pick(s) coming back.

As a Sharks fan Bolduc and Whalstrom aren’t moving the needle for me. I’d have to be sold on why we need these guys thrown in and why I wouldn’t expect them to be more of the bottom of the lineup / AHL tweeners the Sharks already have a ton of. I’m not saying that’s what they are, just that beyond their draft pedigree I’m not seeing anything that jumps out as them being helpful to the rebuild. OP, care to give a brief scouting report?</div></div>

Nice mobile skater with solid powerplay quarterbacking abilities. He hasnt cracked our lineup due to not only the log jam but the only times he was in he never got the coaches confidence(Lambert) he hasn't played for Roy yet. He needs consistent minutes and if given a chance with a young team he would improve and be able to have minutes with the sharks for sure.

Horrible defensively and a average at best skater. His positives while they don't outweigh the negatives are premium. Elite shot especially on the PP at the Ovi position and he loves too shoot. Whalstrom has been one of or at least the biggest blowback of the Lambert era he had one bad game and never got a full look again we have not done right by him and needs a fresh start with some speedy youth to push him and he will be just fine wont ever happen with the islanders. For sure has 30 goal potential if he could improve his skating to average or slightly above average my comparable is Tyler Toffoli if his skating improves to match his offense. Not sure if he will ever be able to defend but he for sure will fill the net.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 8 at 1:20 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>jMoneyBrah</b></div><div>Not that ima sit here and say anyone is wrong to doubt this is possible. It is, indeed, a shenanigan. That being said, if a pair of GMs had the brass ones to try this I think it’s gotta stand, as:

A) As you said, and as far as I can tell, there is no rule that prevents this from happening.

B) There’s no free lunch, one team is absorbing the entire brunt of the buyout, and the original team still needs to sign the players back. IMO this is materially different from the compliance buyouts as there is cap penalties being applied within the system.

C) All other teams would have the opportunity block this from happening by claiming either player as they must go through waivers prior to the buyout being enacted. Similarly as the players would be part of the UFA pool they could be signed by any team. In short all teams have the ability to either forcefully stop this by claiming the contract on waivers; or outbid the players original team in the UFA market.

Mostly, I think this doesn’t happen because what player holding an NTC would willingly waive it on the odd chance they get claimed by their least favored destination.</div></div>

Considering they have a rule against buying out a player yourself and re-signing them (in which case other teams would have the option to prevent it by claiming the player or outbidding them) and they've specifically ruled that this circumstance with compliance buyouts was cap circumvention, I really can't see them saying it's alright here.

As far as players not wanting to take the gamble they'd be claimed somewhere they don't want to play, when the Leafs wanted the cap space from Marleau's contract he only wanted to either stay in Toronto or come back to San Jose. He was willing to waive to go to Carolina so they'd buy him out and he could sign in San Jose for league minimum.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 8 at 5:57 a.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 7 at 4:45 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 7 at 2:10 p.m.
Thread: moves