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Jun. 8, 2024
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Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 19 at 12:52 a.m.
Thread: Nelson Trade
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 15 at 2:07 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>colby</b></div><div>u can find replacements for lysell or zacha but its not worth to trade sway when u could keep him, trade ullmark for a decent package (either top 6 fwd/top4D and a pick) and let pots lohrei and fredy grow into players while resigning coyle and marsh to team deals (coyle grew up a boston fan and 100000% would do that to stay) they have pasta, lindholm and McAvoy long term so there "win" window isnt for another few years. pots and lohrei look to have elite potential and while drai is great if im boston im not sniffing near him unless its lysell + zacha + ullmark + a first. if its maybe a draft pick or 2 sure u can add them in but trading sway and a young kid and picks is just too much. if im boston im only moving fredy if its a good deal, lohrei and pots are off limits unless its for Connor and sway ur not moving for anyone unless its a 1-1 for connor or Drai. Adding drai doesnt put this team over the edge esp if ur lossing sway who was the only reason they beat Tor and had even a semi close against Fla.</div></div>

I understand what you mean. I disagree a bit on the value of some of our players, as well as the impact of Draisaitl on the team and especially on Pasta, but I do see where you are coming from. Would ideally do this without Swayman involved obviously. Feel like Ullmark, Zacha, Lysell, Frederic (I like him a lot but think he would need to go if you are trying to not include Swayman, Poitras or Lohrei), a 1st and 2nd would be ideal with a lot of value going to Edmonton while maintaining a lot of our young corps. Anyway, it's likely a moot point. Either way, go Bruins!!!
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 15 at 12:13 a.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 15 at 12:07 a.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 14 at 9:04 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 8 at 11:49 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMJun. 8 at 11:42 p.m.