
What I think it will vs should be

Created by: Kyle_Okposo_Lover
Team: 2023-24 Washington Capitals
Initial Creation Date: Dec. 4, 2023
Published: Dec. 4, 2023
Salary Cap Mode: Basic
  1. Laine, Patrik
  2. 2025 4th round pick (CBJ)
Additional Details:
We all know its happening. This is what I think the trade will be.
  1. Kuznetsov, Evgeny
  2. Suzdalev, Alexander
  3. 2025 2nd round pick (WSH)
    This is what I think it should be:

    Laine, Patrik

    Laine is younger, better, more upside. CBJ only reason to do this would to be to get a cheap middle 6 center (5 mill AAV for year and half) and a 2nd. Washington gets the better, younger player who can learn a lot from Ovi but pay a lot for him annually, (11.5 for year and half then just 8.7 the year after). They also lose a 2nd but its expendable. The upside alone is worth it
      Kuznetsov, Evgeny (2,800,000 retained)
      2025 2nd round pick (WSH)
      DraftRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the BOS
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the BOS
      Logo of the COL
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the CBJ
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Logo of the WSH
      Left WingCentreRight Wing
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      M-NTC, NMC
      UFA - 3
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 5
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 1
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      LW, RW
      UFA - 3
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      LW, C
      RFA - 1
      Logo of the Columbus Blue Jackets
      C, RW, LW
      UFA - 3
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      LW, RW
      UFA - 1
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      $863,333$863,333 (Performance Bonus$232,500$232K)
      RFA - 2
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      $789,167$789,167 (Performance Bonus$82,500$82K)
      RW, LW, C
      UFA - 1
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      C, LW
      RFA - 1
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 2
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 1
      Left DefenseRight DefenseGoaltender
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      RFA - 3
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 3
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 4
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 1
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 3
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 2
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 1
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 3
      ScratchesInjured Reserve (IR)Long Term IR (LTIR)
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      RW, C
      UFA - 1
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 2
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      UFA - 2
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      RFA - 2
      Logo of the Washington Capitals
      $2,000,000$2,000,000 (Performance Bonus$2,000,000$2M)
      UFA - 1

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      Dec. 4, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.
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      I'd assume any Laine for Kuznetsov swap would start with Washington sending over a 1st and if I'm Columbus I still say no.
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 3:32 p.m.
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      I don't think its actually happening. Carberry stated its a mental reset day for Kuzy. I would love for it to happen but I am still hesitating
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 3:34 p.m.
      xt0msx12 on X
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      Quoting: SociallyHawkward
      I'd assume any Laine for Kuznetsov swap would start with Washington sending over a 1st and if I'm Columbus I still say no.

      There's no chance the caps are paying a first and Kuznetsov for Laine.
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 3:35 p.m.
      xt0msx12 on X
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      I'd probably do that first trade actually. Suzdalev is probably gonna be good, but I think we have enough decent prospects that this could be a win for the caps in the short term. Kuznetsov just needs to go.
      squashmaple liked this.
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 3:41 p.m.
      not a he )
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      As loath as I am to accept this, the first trade honestly works for me. I do like the look of Suzdalev.

      Kind of just lol at how did Columbus became the most Russian team. Is it an f-you to Panarin from Jarmo?
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 4:03 p.m.
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      Quoting: brady_t12
      There's no chance the caps are paying a first and Kuznetsov for Laine.

      I wouldn't take kuznetsov at all without getting a first along with him.
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 4:13 p.m.
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      Yeah I highly doubt jarmo considers swapping laine and Kuz without a first especially without retention on Kuz. He would be selling laine at his lowest value for an older player. Jackets are looking for a true center. What’s the point in getting Kuz who is bad at defense and faceoffs? They would just laine at center again. If anything I think the jackets get lindholm
      SociallyHawkward liked this.
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 4:32 p.m.
      xt0msx12 on X
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      Quoting: SociallyHawkward
      I wouldn't take kuznetsov at all without getting a first along with him.

      Okay well Columbus is desperate for a center so I doubt it’ll take that lmao.
      Dec. 4, 2023 at 4:40 p.m.
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      Quoting: SociallyHawkward
      I wouldn't take kuznetsov at all without getting a first along with him.

      And I wouldn't take Laine at this point without getting a first along with him.
      I keep seeing versions of this trade pop up and while at a surface level I get it, I just really don't see why the Caps would want to go in this direction unless it was as close to a straight swap as possible. If you think Kuzy has been bad and frustrating to watch (and oh boy has he) why would the Caps want to take back the wing, shooter version of him especially when they already have Laine on steroids in Ovi here?

      As much as I want Kuzy gone, I think it would be a huge mistake to replace him with Laine.
      NoVaSpartan liked this.
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