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Forum: Armchair-GMJul. 14, 2015 at 2:25 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>NickC1988</b></div><div><i>If you think Toews is overpaid you obviously haven't watched the blackhawks play without him. He's the best in every zone on the ice. Playing with Hossa doesn't change the way he plays. He plays with Kane at times and still dominates. Best Captain in all of sports and a selke finalist every single year while still putting up numbers. He could easily have 100 point seasons but he takes pride in helping his defense exit the zone by getting below the goal line to get the puck.</i></div></div>

He is the most overrated player in the league

only breaks 70 points once

PPG player once in a lockout season

no Hart or Lindsay Awards (4th place in 2013 for former, not even nominated by players for latter)
has never scored 40 or more goals

most undeserving Selke winner (Bergeron should've won it in 2013)

praised for defense yet starts most in the offensive zone (Kruger takes defensive zone draws) and isn't nearly as good as Patrice Bergeron at defense

considered top 3 player because of muh leadership and muh intangibles even though leadership isn't measurable and intangibles are retarded

claimed to be great leader even though he's a little bitch that whines all the time (he had to be comforted by Brent Seabrook after throwing a temper tantrum after getting penalized against Detroit because Zetterberg was destroying him)

Has one Messier award despite being praised for leadership

makes 10.5 million a year next year even though better centers like Giroux, Crosby, and Getzlaf are cheaper and part of why Chicago will be in cap hell

not even top 5 at his position

Keith, Kane, Hjalmarsson, even fucking Crawford has been more important in their runs

plays on absolutely stacked team, doesn't put up big numbers

mediocre playoff performer, Keith or Kane should have won the Smythe in 2010

Seriously what is so "great" about Toews? All I hear are the Cups, the medals, intangibles, leadership and so on. He's considered a top 3 player in the league but doesn't have the numbers to back it up. He is the reason why guys like Ryan Getzlaf, Claude Giroux, and Steven Stamkos aren't nearly as recognized. Nobody would know who he is if he played for say, Carolina. Put Bergeron in Toews' place in the beginning and the results are the same, put Crosby in Toews' place from the beginning and they win even more, maybe even repeat. Oh and he's overpaid as fuck. He does not deserve 10.5 million a year.