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Aug. 14, 2015
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Forum: Armchair-GMMar. 17, 2016 at 2:51 p.m.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm one of those who tend to have (maybe a little too much) faith in our farm team. I'm a season ticket holder for the Baby Bs, so that's where my bias comes from...

I think Cross would compliment an aging Chara, providing the defensive assistance he hasn't had since playing with Seids.

I picked Klein because from what I've seen, he seems like an all-around guy who tends to lean more towards the defensive side. I think having someone who knows what he's doing, and has been around for some time could help compliment the also-aging Seidenberg. To DTN: I wasn't too sure of Klein's value, as I've only seen him play us. I was thinking that by taking that extra cap and offering the pick, maybe that'd entice the Rangers a bit.

I've always liked the Krug-McQuaid combo. I know they're not ideal, but if we have 3 solid D-pairs, it's easier to balance the minutes and make the matchups work...

While I like Miller and Morrow a lot, I tend to have a 'defense should be defensive and offense should be offensive' attitude sometimes. Perhaps with some more seasoning they'll change my mind, but for now I think they should be slotted in when needed, or if Cross shows he isn't ready (I think he is).

As for the forwards; I agree with you FutureGM, Beleskey probably shouldn't be a 4th liner. I'll cue that one up to lack of sleep last night... I don't think Griffith is a betweener, if he's with the right guys he can produce big (he's had decent numbers for 3rd line time with the bigs - 11pts in 32 NHL games). I think the 3rd line here wouldn't be too bad - especially with a more defensive-minded D-pair. They're fast, and aggressive.

Another miscommunication: I thought for some reason Zee was done after next year (I know, do your research!). Given this situation, I'd definitely be trying to move either Zee or Seids (or both) if this year's team doesn't cut it. My only concern is that their trade value is only getting lower as time goes by...

I agree that this is a bottom dwelling team, but I felt at the time like we may have to be that team for another year until Zee's contract was up (yea, my bad)... Then we could really start pursuing some bigger pieces.

Next time I'll be sure to do my research and not post after a long night of drinking...
Forum: Armchair-GMMar. 14, 2016 at 8:17 p.m.
Thread: Boston