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Toronto Maple Leafs signed Christopher Tanev (6 Years / $4,500,000 AAV)

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Mon. at 10:53 a.m.
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This is another David Clarkson, what a terrible signing and long term **** up by the guy who signed Huberdeau for 8 years.
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Mon. at 10:56 a.m.
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$4,294,967,295 minors salary in '28-29 phewweee
Mon. at 10:59 a.m.
You know nothing JS
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Quoting: Jco5ta5
He’s gonna LTIR or even retire. I read that since it’s before his 35th bday he can retire with zero cap recapture penalties. So they gave him term to lower the AAV.

Wishfull thinking. Nobody retires before the end of their contract now and days. If you are lucky they get injured enough to go on LTIR.

Old injury prone players on the verge of LTIR don't build a very strong Dcore though. But congrats I guess lol.
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Mon. at 11:05 a.m.
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Brad moment
Mon. at 11:06 a.m.
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Clearly the excessive term is to keep the AAV down, so I’m trying to judge it in that perspective, but even if you look at this as $6.5M for each of the first two seasons and $2.5M for the last two, that seems too much, and because he’ll be over 35, they can’t soften the blow by buying him out.

I guess this is what happens when you’re desperate for a shut-down defenseman.
Mon. at 11:07 a.m.
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Clearly the excessive term is to keep the AAV down, so I’m trying to judge it in that perspective, but even if you look at this as $6.5M for each of the first two seasons and $2.5M for the last two, that seems too much, and because he’ll be over 35, they can’t soften the blow by buying him out.

I guess this is what happens when you’re desperate for a shut-down defenseman.
Mon. at 11:07 a.m.
14m in dead cap
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Quoting: jpsnow13
Wishfull thinking. Nobody retires before the end of their contract now and days. If you are lucky they get injured enough to go on LTIR.

Old injury prone players on the verge of LTIR don't build a very strong Dcore though. But congrats I guess lol.

And even though they can use his cap while he's on LTIR, it kills their ability to accrue cap throughout the season and make better upgrades at the deadline.
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Mon. at 11:09 a.m.
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He was expected to get $4.5 million and four years. The price isn't the problem; the term is the problem.
rrgdsafgerwrgwr and Gag1 liked this.
Mon. at 11:10 a.m.
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Quoting: FoxYou727
First 2-3 years will be ok but yeesh

Planning for his retirement
Mon. at 11:17 a.m.
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Quoting: Brad_Treliving
He will go on LTIR after year 3. Great AAV though

Probably yeah, so the deal isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
Mon. at 11:18 a.m.
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Makes the Mayfield signing seem reasonable by comparison.
Mon. at 11:27 a.m.
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well one thing is for sure TOR fans won't be able to say Dubas did it!

4.5 isn't bad if you are expecting 2nd pairing level play. I'd say this year it's lower level 2nd pairing.
But that tterm, paying him till he's 40..... you have got to be kidding me.
Mon. at 11:47 a.m.
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I want what Treliving is smoking.

Woll and now Tanev- both overpriced. Anything over 3 years is going to look awful. I love Tanev- but he takes a lot of punishment, and despite the 'extra' years- they didnt get a discount on the aav.
Mon. at 11:55 a.m.
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Great signing !!!

Leaf haters are in full force.

The Leafs finally have a replacement worthy of Zaitsev.
Mon. at 12:22 p.m.
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Quoting: jpsnow13
Wishfull thinking. Nobody retires before the end of their contract now and days. If you are lucky they get injured enough to go on LTIR.

Old injury prone players on the verge of LTIR don't build a very strong Dcore though. But congrats I guess lol.

I was just saying that I heard this could be a tactic is all. Not that its the reason for the contract. Just adding to the rumors.
Mon. at 2:49 p.m.
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This is terrible. Could have had a much younger Pesce for 1M extra.
Mon. at 3:00 p.m.
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Mon. at 3:09 p.m.
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years from now we will be on a new version of Capfriendly with a spam of Leaf ACGM that ask teams to take this contract dump for free or even give up good assets for it
Mon. at 3:10 p.m.
Hakuna Matata
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3 years of play, 3 years on LTIR

With no more flat cap and Tanev's defensive ability its fine

As we saw what he can do these playoffs vs. MacKinnon and Eichel
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Mon. at 3:22 p.m.
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Getting paid to swallow pucks until 40. Good for Tanev. Warrior
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Mon. at 3:27 p.m.
Grumpy Gorilla
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Quoting: rangers91
Getting paid to swallow pucks until 40. Good for Tanev. Warrior

Love the player. If he can stay healthy, he is exactly what the Leafs need. But hate the contract, the term is 3 years too long. No question its an overpay.
Mon. at 3:31 p.m.
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Quoting: Brad_Treliving
He will go on LTIR after year 3. Great AAV though

Yeah, but NHL might change rules on LTIR players, just like they did with up heavy contracts. Mean first years 10M and rest 1M when player is over 40 year old. Personally i do think there should be rule on that, because its way from "rich" teams to circument salary cap, but i do not lose my sleep either if they dont update LTIR rule. smile

Congratz on getting Tanev, i did like his game a lot when did see him playing in Dallas and Tanev earned every dollar and i am happy for him, but will miss him when watching Dallas games next year.
Mon. at 5:24 p.m.
hes dynamite
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Quoting: Brad_Treliving
He will go on LTIR after year 3. Great AAV though

you better pray thats the case
Mon. at 6:01 p.m.
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I think I just figured this out. By the sixth year of this contract, Matthews will be gone and their other core players will be getting into their declining years. They’ll be going into a rebuild, so burning $4.5M cap hit on a 40-year-old defenseman won’t hurt them.

Either that or Treliving has a mental block when it comes to the aging process.
Mon. at 6:51 p.m.
RIP Garth Snow
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I love Tanev but he is too old and too injured to get more than 2 years. 4 years from now this will be a brutal contract. ouch
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