
Hawks 2023-24 lines predictions with context

Created by: Armetholist
Team: 2023-24 Chicago Blackhawks
Initial Creation Date: Aug. 5, 2023
Published: Aug. 5, 2023
Salary Cap Mode: Basic
FWD Line 1 - t’s been rumoured that Bedard might play RW in his first season, I don’t believe it, I think they’ll give him a huge leash at C. If not, I could definently see a Reichel - Hall- Bedard line or even hall playing a bit of RW if that’s the plan so you can experiment with reichel on the left/ mabye play him at right with them on that top line if he plays well midway through the season, but they drafted him as a Left winger so that’s where I assume they’ll want to give him his playing time. As for raddysh, this team has no high end right wingers but he’s the best out of the **** so there ya go have fun with the ice time.

FWD Line 2 - Reichel and AA had INSANE chemistry last year, and the AA extension just leads me to believe that they want him to stick around and jumpstart reichels career on the same line. Thing is though, this team has no actual centres, just experimented with a few like reichel and AA up the middle, so I can definently see reichel take Centre if they feel he fits there but for now AA is who I’d put there. As for RW, it could honestly be anybody but I’d put Johnson there just slightly over Perry for now to create a super ****ing fast line, but I can definently see raddysh or Perry playing there especially if Davidson gets somebody else to play the right side as part of his plan.

FWD Line 3 - Guttman had a real good showing to end the season last year, why not give him a shot with another youngster kurashev to get some magic working, although I can definently see him being more of a 4th line / depth piece if he doesn’t play well and stay consistent. As for Perry, I feel like he’s super underrated, mabye even 2nd line material over Johnson to start the season as he filled in at the 3rd line and tore it up for Tampa a lot throughout the season and especially playoffs.

FWD Line 4 - Anybody in those bottom 6 could play here tbh, there will inevitably be injuries and the scratches will get more than enough playing time, especially Katchouk who is super fun to watch once every blue moon. As for the fourth line itself, Dickinson had a solid campaign last year and earned a spot on the teams top 9 very consistently. mabye he even replaces guttman depending on camp. Then you have the locker room vet foligno who is there for experience on the left and I don’t see ever being out of the lineup, and donato who davidson himself said he picked up because he can play any position and anywhere up or down the roster.

**AA is Andreas Athanasiou for those who don’t know

1st D pairing - Next year will be the most open year for LDs on this team, and it’s our younger guys time to prove themselves as legit NHL defencemen. Vlasic is a big body and will get the biggest chance by far, and I hope he does well. And then you have Seth to help back him up.

2nd D pairing. - I do think korchinski will be good enough out of camp to get a stint with the team, as Davidson has shown to be not scared of burning the first year of our players’ ELCs (Reichel). I don’t imagine he would keep korchinski here to play a bottom pair role as he’d be better off in juniors at that point (where he will likely be sent back after the world juniors that he plays in finishes up) so putting him with a solid leadership guy in Murphy is a nice pairing and Murphy compliments his offense quite nicely while helping prepare him for a full season next year and to be a leader in the room eventually.

3rd D pairing - Imma start with RD here as this team has no right D, Zaitsev is the obvious option as there’s (almost) nobody else, except it’s been rumoured that Nolan Allan might be moved to RD as there’s a super big excess amount of LD, so he could definently be a surprise out of camp to make the team and play that third pairing Dman role. Then on the left it’s pretty open, most likely than not they’re going to give Kaiser the year in Rockford before calling him up again, but between tinordi, Roos and Phillips it’s going to be close. Tinordi is one of the biggest voices in the locker room, even sporting the A a couple times last year after being a waiver pickup halfway through the season. Phillips too played a couple games up, and is a better cantidate than Roos imo atleast for now. Once Korchinski gets sent back it’ll be between Phillips and Roos for the last roster spot for sure. I just don’t see tinordi coming out for now but that doesn’t mean phillips and Roos won’t get their opportunities

Goaltenders - Pretty obvious, Mrazek will start the season with soderblom finally playing in the NHL full time, although I wouldn’t be opposed to somebody like Stauber or Commesso making it out of camp, but probably not commesso as I don’t think they’ll rush him, they’ll probably give him a couple years in Rockford.

Ty for reading if u read all of that 😂😂 I don’t know if posts get comments at 3:30AM but I’m excited to see what u hawks(or non hawks!!) fans think when I wake up.
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:38 a.m.
Go for the cup in 25
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Heh props to you man at doing this at 3:30 in the morning (I live in the west so it’s 12:30 here) I’m not a black hawks fan but what I read I think is fine good explanation and yeah (hope you get a good sleep lol)
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:42 a.m.
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Haha thanks man hope u enjoy the cup <3
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:47 a.m.
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Quoting: Armetholist
Haha thanks man hope u enjoy the cup <3

Heh of course and also hope you get a good rest man (not tying to be creepy just it’s late and yeah)(maybe I should be getting sleep...)
Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:49 a.m.
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For that second line why not just run Johnson at Center?
He played Center his whole time in tampa and was rather decent at the draw averaging between 48-52% and is defensively reliable.
AA was never a true Center really even at his best in Detroit he only took about 300 draws max and was below 42% and they don’t need Reichel to play Center as they have Bedard and Moore as their top 6 centers for the future. Guys like Greene/ Thompson/ dach can fill out the bottom 2.

Pretty solid big 4 so far they have for the future though
Reichel- Bedard - X
X - Moore - Nazar
The speed those 4 guys have is ridiculous
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:53 a.m.
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Quoting: Dekes
For that second line why not just run Johnson at Center?
He played Center his whole time in tampa and was rather decent at the draw averaging between 48-52% and is defensively reliable.
AA was never a true Center really even at his best in Detroit he only took about 300 draws max and was below 42% and they don’t need Reichel to play Center as they have Bedard and Moore as their top 6 centers for the future. Guys like Greene/ Thompson/ dach can fill out the bottom 2.

Pretty solid big 4 so far they have for the future though
Reichel- Bedard - X
X - Moore - Nazar
The speed those 4 guys have is ridiculous

Had to double take cuz you said Dach going to say Kirby’s in MTL but then forgot his brother is with the CHI organization 😅
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:57 a.m.
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Funny enough we picked up dach and savoie due to your GENEROUS donation of a 2nd and 3rd rounder for Mattias Janmark 😂
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:59 a.m.
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Quoting: V123
Had to double take cuz you said Dach going to say Kirby’s in MTL but then forgot his brother is with the CHI organization 😅

I wish Chicago kept both dachs and jones. That would have created some confusing arguments in future ACGM’s
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:59 a.m.
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Quoting: Dekes
I wish Chicago kept both dachs and jones. That would have created some confusing arguments in future ACGM’s

Hahah would have loved that
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:59 a.m.
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Quoting: Armetholist
Funny enough we picked up dach and savoie due to your GENEROUS donation of a 2nd and 3rd rounder for Mattias Janmark 😂

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Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:03 a.m.
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Quoting: Dekes
For that second line why not just run Johnson at Center?
He played Center his whole time in tampa and was rather decent at the draw averaging between 48-52% and is defensively reliable.
AA was never a true Center really even at his best in Detroit he only took about 300 draws max and was below 42% and they don’t need Reichel to play Center as they have Bedard and Moore as their top 6 centers for the future. Guys like Greene/ Thompson/ dach can fill out the bottom 2.

Pretty solid big 4 so far they have for the future though
Reichel- Bedard - X
X - Moore - Nazar
The speed those 4 guys have is ridiculous

Yeah that future is looking stacked, but remember not all prospects pan out. Saw a post the other day about Dallas’s depth chart, and sometimes it’s the ones that you expect the least to surprise you that end up becoming the stars. (Not that I’m saying nazar moore and the rest of the crew will suck though)

As for Johnson, I just don’t see them splitting up what worked for them last season with reichel at LW/C and AA at LW/C. I don’t even think he’s played much RW at all with the hawks as a matter of fact. I’m sure if Johnson were to centre them they would’ve tried it a couple more times last year. On a real note, FO% isn’t exactly the biggest issue for next year, that comes with time. AA has the speed and size for centre anyways, it’ll be fun to watch forsure if it ends up happening.
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:08 a.m.
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Quoting: Armetholist
Yeah that future is looking stacked, but remember not all prospects pan out. Saw a post the other day about Dallas’s depth chart, and sometimes it’s the ones that you expect the least to surprise you that end up becoming the stars. (Not that I’m saying nazar moore and the rest of the crew will suck though)

As for Johnson, I just don’t see them splitting up what worked for them last season with reichel at LW/C and AA at LW/C. I don’t even think he’s played much RW at all with the hawks as a matter of fact. I’m sure if Johnson were to centre them they would’ve tried it a couple more times last year. On a real note, FO% isn’t exactly the biggest issue for next year, that comes with time. AA has the speed and size for centre anyways, it’ll be fun to watch forsure if it ends up happening.

I really like Moore, I’m a bruins fan and on draft day they were trying to acquire a 1st rd pick and the only prospect they had a interview with was Oliver Moore and I was so excited.

Couldn’t imagine what moore and Lysell’s speed could have done together, both compared to the likes of bure and mcdavid as some of the best skaters scouts have ever seen
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:21 a.m.
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Quoting: Dekes
I really like Moore, I’m a bruins fan and on draft day they were trying to acquire a 1st rd pick and the only prospect they had a interview with was Oliver Moore and I was so excited.

Couldn’t imagine what moore and Lysell’s speed could have done together, both compared to the likes of bure and mcdavid as some of the best skaters scouts have ever seen

Yeah pre-draft all I heard from hawks fans was wanting to trade up into the 10 range so we can select Oliver moore. Such a fast skater, fits exactly the mould of what davidson said he wanted the team to be built around, a really fast, skilled competitive team. I saw the picks keep rolling by and was like there’s no way we get him, but a few overdrafts and a LOT of luck, we somehow got him (it also somewhat lessens the blow of Toronto winning for once cos we got tampas pick). Then they released a vid which revealed davidson had been trying to trade up all draft to get him (offering picks 19 and 41) but nobody would accept, and by some miracle he fell to us. Gotta love it when ur GM leaves the first day of picks saying he couldn’t be happier. And now we get an extra second round pick next year cos we traded that 41st for nashvilles second next year (oh did I mention moore scored twice today in the WJC showcase?)
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 7:06 a.m.
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Edited Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
Quoting: Dekes
For that second line why not just run Johnson at Center?
He played Center his whole time in tampa and was rather decent at the draw averaging between 48-52% and is defensively reliable.
AA was never a true Center really even at his best in Detroit he only took about 300 draws max and was below 42% and they don’t need Reichel to play Center as they have Bedard and Moore as their top 6 centers for the future. Guys like Greene/ Thompson/ dach can fill out the bottom 2.

Pretty solid big 4 so far they have for the future though
Reichel- Bedard - X
X - Moore - Nazar
The speed those 4 guys have is ridiculous

I'd keep AA at center. He can always get moved over if he doesn't perform. What you're saying about previous usage is 100% correct. I just agree with this post that AA really seemed to find a solid role as a center. He was contributing so much more than when he played wing. I'd try it out. TJ would take the dot if AA gets tossed. Heck, maybe he takes most the face offs?

I'm in 100% lock step with the team above with two exceptions...kinda

Donato and Kurashev might get swapped. I'm not sure Donatos played much RW and conversely Kurashev has been given A mountain's worth of chances. I'm not saying the above can't happen, I just think they went out and got Donato for a reason and he's not a 4th line grinder. Maybe just a LW rotation?

Also Korchinski, I'll admit I'm pretty stubborn on this opinion and 9 games is fine and good...BUT he's got to go back to Seattle. He needs to develop his 2 way game better. No reason to rush him to the NHL like Boqvist/Dach. Take your time like Reichel. Allow KK to physically mature and take a greater role on his WHL team. Then go play for team Canada again and take a greater role there. Let's not forget...his WHL team had FIVE nhl 1st round draft picks and THREE 2nd rounders and THREE third rounds, with a host of lower picks too. Insane amount of NHL talent. Aka...he didn't do it by himself.
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 8:58 a.m.
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I could maybe give my own long winded explanation of what I think. But I think you nailed down most of the important stuff. I only have three big gripes that aren't even that big. Like @exo2769 says, I think Korchinski needs to go back to Seattle. I also think Kaiser will make a big push for a spot on the NHL roster. And, third, like you said about Bedard getting a long leash at Center, I think Reichel will also get a long leash at Center too. Both will have guys around them that can take draws in important situations when needed, but otherwise they want them both to be centers. Then down the road when guys like Nazar, Moore, etc., come up they have competition for the job and it isn't just handed to them. Any of them could always move to wing.

Otherwise, great job on this! It's really anyones guess at this point how things will ACTUALLY end up. Lot's of guys could play anywhere in the lineup depending on performance, chemistry, coaching decisions... It's all up in the air.
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:03 p.m.
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Quoting: exo2769
I'd keep AA at center. He can always get moved over if he doesn't perform. What you're saying about previous usage is 100% correct. I just agree with this post that AA really seemed to find a solid role as a center. He was contributing so much more than when he played wing. I'd try it out. TJ would take the dot if AA gets tossed. Heck, maybe he takes most the face offs?

I'm in 100% lock step with the team above with two exceptions...kinda

Donato and Kurashev might get swapped. I'm not sure Donatos played much RW and conversely Kurashev has been given A mountain's worth of chances. I'm not saying the above can't happen, I just think they went out and got Donato for a reason and he's not a 4th line grinder. Maybe just a LW rotation?

Also Korchinski, I'll admit I'm pretty stubborn on this opinion, but 9 games is fine and good...BUT he's got to go back to Seattle. He needs to develop his 2 way game better. No reason to rush him to the NHL like Boqvist/Dach. Take your time like Reichel. Allow KK to physically mature and take a greater role on his WHL team. Then go play for team Canada again and take a greater role there. Let's not forget...his WHL team had FIVE nhl 1st round draft picks and THREE 2nd rounders and THREE third rounds, with a host of lower picks too. Insane amount of NHL talent. Aka...he didn't do it by himself.

Yep completely agree, give korchinski his 9 games at least then decide to either send him down or keep him til juniors, either way a short stint. Only reason I put Kurashev there is because obviously kurashev plays left, and with that (expensive) extension I’d imagine they give him better than 4th line minutes and give him a final chance to prove himself, while Donato is just there to fill holes, I’d much rather put Donato at a position he’s played before than send kurashev into the fire on a bottom line.
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.
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At some point we have to put Bedard and Reichel on the same line, gotta test to see how your new duo is gonna work together
Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:18 p.m.
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Quoting: Garak
I could maybe give my own long winded explanation of what I think. But I think you nailed down most of the important stuff. I only have three big gripes that aren't even that big. Like exo2769 says, I think Korchinski needs to go back to Seattle. I also think Kaiser will make a big push for a spot on the NHL roster. And, third, like you said about Bedard getting a long leash at Center, I think Reichel will also get a long leash at Center too. Both will have guys around them that can take draws in important situations when needed, but otherwise they want them both to be centers. Then down the road when guys like Nazar, Moore, etc., come up they have competition for the job and it isn't just handed to them. Any of them could always move to wing.

Otherwise, great job on this! It's really anyones guess at this point how things will ACTUALLY end up. Lot's of guys could play anywhere in the lineup depending on performance, chemistry, coaching decisions... It's all up in the air.

Korchinski - Completely agree, he’s getting sent down either way unless he’s the second coming of Bobby Orr.

Kaiser - he’s only 21, and with everybody else that’s clogging up LD and on expiring contracts (Phillips, vlasic, Roos I think), I believe he’ll get his first year of pro hockey in rockford, no need to rush him.

Reichel - I believe it’s been mentioned a couple times that they want him as a LW, as for the reason why he barely played any centre when called up. Nazar and Moore being in the system is only more reason for them to get him adjusted to LW where he played great mind you last season. Obviously he might play centre but I see his chemistry on wing with AA as a better fit for now.

Obviously I could be wrong, I’m really interested to see how Davidson handles that top line right side this season and that centre rotation, but either way it’s going to be electric and I’m just so excited for the season to start again.
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 4:53 p.m.
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Quoting: IconicHawk
At some point we have to put Bedard and Reichel on the same line, gotta test to see how your new duo is gonna work together

Oh ya 100%, he’ll definently get his chances to play with bedard, I just don’t see the season starting with reichel being immediately gifted the top line, and if so he’d probably be replacing hall unless you play reichel/hall off wing or move Bedard off centre which isn’t exactly optimal. I feel like davidson would want him to start with Athanasiou who he’s comfortable playing with and has great chemistry with.
Aug. 5, 2023 at 6:34 p.m.
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Quoting: Armetholist
Korchinski - Completely agree, he’s getting sent down either way unless he’s the second coming of Bobby Orr.

Kaiser - he’s only 21, and with everybody else that’s clogging up LD and on expiring contracts (Phillips, vlasic, Roos I think), I believe he’ll get his first year of pro hockey in rockford, no need to rush him.

Reichel - I believe it’s been mentioned a couple times that they want him as a LW, as for the reason why he barely played any centre when called up. Nazar and Moore being in the system is only more reason for them to get him adjusted to LW where he played great mind you last season. Obviously he might play centre but I see his chemistry on wing with AA as a better fit for now.

Obviously I could be wrong, I’m really interested to see how Davidson handles that top line right side this season and that centre rotation, but either way it’s going to be electric and I’m just so excited for the season to start again.

Korchinski - Yep

Kaiser - The rest of those guys might have more pro time under their belts, but they are all relatively the same age or younger than Kaiser. I doubt they force him to Rockford if he out-plays Phillips and Roos. In his limited NHL time he looked like a stud in the making, and I could totally see him beating out the competition in camp and sticking.

Reichel - IDK about all that. Davidson, Sorenson, and Richardson have all said they either like him at center, they want to give him a long look at center, or they straight up think he is a center. Most of the people that talk about him being on the wing don't work for the organization. Personally, I think wing is where he will end up in the long run. But there is no harm in giving him a long look there at this point in the rebuild. The only thing he really needs to add to his game is winning faceoffs, he has pretty much all the other tools and tendencies to be a center. He could probably be more responsible in the defensive zone, but I think that is more a matter of what they've asked him to do, rather than a question of what he is capable of.
Aug. 5, 2023 at 10:52 p.m.
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Edited Aug. 5, 2023 at 10:58 p.m.
(Ignore I don’t know how to delete replies)
Aug. 5, 2023 at 10:57 p.m.
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Quoting: Garak
Korchinski - Yep

Kaiser - The rest of those guys might have more pro time under their belts, but they are all relatively the same age or younger than Kaiser. I doubt they force him to Rockford if he out-plays Phillips and Roos. In his limited NHL time he looked like a stud in the making, and I could totally see him beating out the competition in camp and sticking.

Reichel - IDK about all that. Davidson, Sorenson, and Richardson have all said they either like him at center, they want to give him a long look at center, or they straight up think he is a center. Most of the people that talk about him being on the wing don't work for the organization. Personally, I think wing is where he will end up in the long run. But there is no harm in giving him a long look there at this point in the rebuild. The only thing he really needs to add to his game is winning faceoffs, he has pretty much all the other tools and tendencies to be a center. He could probably be more responsible in the defensive zone, but I think that is more a matter of what they've asked him to do, rather than a question of what he is capable of.

As for Kaiser, if he plays well sure give him a shot but if he’s as good as or worse, a year in Rockford wouldn’t hurt, it’s his first pro season after all no need to throw him into the fire. I just think Roos(24, Expiring), Vlasic (22 expiring) and Phillips (21 expiring) who have already done their time in the minors have earned a final look over him for now.

For Reichel, again he was a Center in minors and Sorensen did praise him for that but he’s mentioned getting drafted as a LW and playing wherever he’s needed. Also, he had all his success at wing last season, opposed to when he played centre the season before and had little to none. I don’t see a problem with AA playing that Center position but either way it’ll be one of the two playing Center next year, I just think it’ll be AA based on the fact that Reichel is more likely to play wing in the future.
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Aug. 6, 2023 at 1:17 p.m.
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Quoting: Armetholist
As for Kaiser, if he plays well sure give him a shot but if he’s as good as or worse, a year in Rockford wouldn’t hurt, it’s his first pro season after all no need to throw him into the fire. I just think Roos(24, Expiring), Vlasic (22 expiring) and Phillips (21 expiring) who have already done their time in the minors have earned a final look over him for now.

For Reichel, again he was a Center in minors and Sorensen did praise him for that but he’s mentioned getting drafted as a LW and playing wherever he’s needed. Also, he had all his success at wing last season, opposed to when he played centre the season before and had little to none. I don’t see a problem with AA playing that Center position but either way it’ll be one of the two playing Center next year, I just think it’ll be AA based on the fact that Reichel is more likely to play wing in the future.

For sure. I agree with that, about Kaiser. I just sort of see him in the same type of role as Korchinski, not quite the same but similar. So, it makes me wonder if they might try to pump his tires, inflate his trade value, and then try to move him at some point before Korch is in the NHL for good. I have doubts about running too many offensive defensemen and it seems that CHI brass does too. If they have Korch and Jones in that role, I see them loading up the rest of their defense with larger defensive minded guys. But, I could be wrong. I am REALLY high on Kaiser, though. He surprised me big time. I watched a ton of his college games too, and he looked good but I never expected him to look as comfortable and effective in the NHL as quickly as he did in his limited time at the end of the season.

And yeah, Reichel did have most of his success on the wing, and like I said, I personally see him ending up on the wing in the long term. I'm just saying that judging from what the front office and coaching staff have said, I could see them pushing him into a center role with a sink or swim type of mentality. Then, if all else fails, move him back to wing, no biggy. But, I'm sure that'll all be worked out in camp. I'm just excited to see it all unfold.
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