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Boston Bruins signed Mitchell Miller (3 Years / $950,000 AAV)

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Nov. 6, 2022 at 12:46 p.m.
torontos finest
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Quoting: NHLfan10506
But he did apologize, he did cultural sensitivity training, he did counseling, he did volunteer with disabled groups.

And yet, people want him permanently banned from hockey.

For something he did when he was 14-years old.

People want him banned from hockey because "something he did when he was 14-years-old" was something he was convicted for in juvenile court; and something that he showed no remorse for unless said remorse would gain him access to further his career, something the magistrate in his case concluded.

This isn't some "slippery slope" case where we need to feel obligated to dig into the background of every NHL player to find something to "cancel" them. There is a clear legal violation and condemnation of this kid's behaviour and there are clear indications that he has shown no remorse and no growth for his actions; and he's multiple opportunities to rectify this. He only apologized to Isaiah Meyer-Crothers over Instagram this year, six years after he was in court. Unless you want to be skeptical to the point of naivety, it's obvious this apology was done to check off a box on a list in order to get an NHL contract.

Also, his volunteer work was 24 and a half hours. You need more volunteer work to graduate high school. His cultural sensitivity and counselling should be the bare minimum to have a good standing back into society and not to earn and NHL contract.

Hundreds of kids get drafted into the NHL and not everyone ends up with a contract (let alone one with maxed performance bonuses). Nearly all of those other kids are able to get through their teenage years without systematically abusing a classmate, what makes Miller so deserving of a contract? His "second chance" is to put this behind him, learn from it and contribute to society in a meaningful way; this incident should be a barrier to him making the NHL. The precedent should be set for Miller and everyone after him - if you end up convinced in juvenile court for bullying a classmate, you shouldn't make the NHL.
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Nov. 6, 2022 at 1:29 p.m.
hey look a squirrel
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Edited Nov. 6, 2022 at 1:58 p.m.
Quoting: NHLfan10506
But he did apologize, he did cultural sensitivity training, he did counseling, he did volunteer with disabled groups.

And yet, people want him permanently banned from hockey.

For something he did when he was 14-years old.

Again, "not remorseful enough", is a scary open-ended charge.

1. Person does bad thing
2. Person gets punishment for bad thing.
3. Person completes punishment for bad thing. how our system is set up.

Adding a layer for the judgement of of one character is totally against our system. And in this case, its not even his current character than is being judged, its his character in the period after he was caught. (We have seen it doesn't matter what he does now). It becomes a slippery slope...

Player W bullied kids on his bus in 4th grade, never did anything to make amends.
Player X got in a fight in 3rd grade, never apologized.
Player Y stole money in 5th grade, never returned it.
Player Z used derogatory slurs in 6th grade, never showed remorse.

Ban 'em all?

Why do you keep saying he deserves a 2nd chance when he has had forget a 2nd chance but had multiple chances?

Playing in the NHL is privilege and it is completely fair fair to say he has given up this privilege.

Try looking at it from the kid he bullied for a second and try to justify why this guy deserves the privilege to play in the NHL.

Even the AHL president is not sold on letting him play in their league just yet.
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Nov. 6, 2022 at 1:44 p.m.
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Quoting: Went_Wughes
Gotta love the morally virtuous gang bang. Woke and cancel culture have people out of their minds.

I hope Miller is vaccinated.

well i understand where people are coming from. when institution like hockey Canada are using tak payers money to hide sexual agression scandal, i understand people want to use their power to impose some sort of justice since they feel they cant trust the institutions in place. im not saying i agree with what people are saying, but i understand why they are saying it.
Nov. 6, 2022 at 2:27 p.m.
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Quoting: mondo
if this account has been designed to have the worst possible take for everything, it's doing a remarkable job

You made great point up until you generalized. But I know better than to discuss things with people that know best.
Nov. 6, 2022 at 2:35 p.m.
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Quoting: Trickster
Why do you keep saying he deserves a 2nd chance when he has had forget a 2nd chance but had multiple chances?

Playing in the NHL is privilege and it is completely fair fair to say he has given up this privilege.

Try looking at it from the kid he bullied for a second and try to justify why this guy deserves the privilege to play in the NHL.

Even the AHL president is not sold on letting him play in their league just yet.

The NHL is a business. Not a participation award deemed worthy by consumers.
Nov. 6, 2022 at 3:18 p.m.
lottery team fan
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Quoting: Went_Wughes
The NHL is a business. Not a participation award deemed worthy by consumers.

lol give me a break! players don't dream of making the NHL to work for a business, they do it to live out their long-time childhood dream of being a hockey player. this guy was sent to juvy and was still undeservedly awarded the privilege of playing junior hockey and being NHL draft eligible! all the while the family of a victimized disabled child gets to watch him scuttle off with zero remorse. it's called optics bro. if you saw a player lighting the canadian flag on fire you wouldn't want to see them alive let alone make the league.
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Nov. 6, 2022 at 3:26 p.m.
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Quoting: SnakeDelilah
lol give me a break! players don't dream of making the NHL to work for a business, they do it to live out their long-time childhood dream of being a hockey player. this guy was sent to juvy and was still undeservedly awarded the privilege of playing junior hockey and being NHL draft eligible! all the while the family of a victimized disabled child gets to watch him scuttle off with zero remorse. it's called optics bro. if you saw a player lighting the canadian flag on fire you wouldn't want to see them alive let alone make the league.

Don't bro me. And, no Im not a murderer. And, yes. The NHL is a business. Kids dreams are not the same entity. NHL teams want to win. The only power you have, aren't your feelings. But where you spend your money. Get a tissue.
Nov. 6, 2022 at 3:46 p.m.
Im just kinda here
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this is a tirefire of a discussion
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Nov. 6, 2022 at 9:10 p.m.
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rip this contract
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Nov. 6, 2022 at 9:15 p.m.
Hakuna Matata
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So bruins wasted all of our times with their 5 seconds of fame theatrics

Sweeney really got us all going for almost nothing

And while I do not support or condone what Miller did come on this is just getting silly for the poor kid.

Either way hopefully something was learned from this and that everyone can move on
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Nov. 6, 2022 at 9:15 p.m.
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Quoting: capsfan2121
rip this contract

Beautiful. Hopefully he doesn't get his signing bonus
capsfan2121, McRanteskog, MountRoyal and 8 others liked this.
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