Forums/Detroit Red Wings

Want to avoid to peaking this season

Dec. 13, 2021 at 5:38 p.m.
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I think they need to slow down a bit in terms of their success and should sell not try and make the playoffs. This occurred with the Flames with their current core, the Habs in the bubble, and many other teams I think Bertezzui-Lark-Raymond can be an elite Top 6 line on a contender, Veleno can be a lars eller type player (elite 3c) Zadina can be another bottom 6 scorer and Vrana is a top 6 winger. The issue is them currently is that there is no future 2C OR 2RW in the pipeline. Evidsson with Seider Cossa Wallinder, Hronek provide a really good future D and G core. but if they peak early and miss out on a center in this years draft they could be in trouble down the line
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Jan. 2, 2022 at 3:14 p.m.
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Slowing down and trying not to make the playoffs this year would be good from the perspective of a fan or a rebuilding GM but from a player or coaching staff point of view they want to win.

Reasons lowest to highest why they want to win is because losing isn't fun, winning boosts confidence (important in pro sports), and because they are competing for jobs and salary increases.

I agree they need a few pieces to become a real contender and I wish they would tank for the pick this year but even if they did they are in spot 20/32 in the league at point% as I write this so they'd have a long way to fall to be looking at a top 5 pick. They'd have to be worse than Arizona, Montreal, Ottawa, and Seattle+ which would impossible because those teams suck right now

PS: I realize that I'm writing this 2 weeks+ after the post so the Red Wing's positioning in the standings were different & I agree with the post from a fan point of view

PPS: The winning is great for Raymond & Seider's confidence and happiness, and the team's happiness.
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