
Hawks 2023-24 lines predictions with context

Created by: Armetholist
Team: 2023-24 Chicago Blackhawks
Initial Creation Date: Aug. 5, 2023
Published: Aug. 5, 2023
Salary Cap Mode: Basic
Left Handed
Original Team
Waivers Exempt
Right Handed
Trade Clause
Max Perf. Bonus
Expiry Status
Term Remaining
Logo of the Edmonton Oilers
Waivers ExemptMcDavid, Connor
$12,500,000 (Performance Bonus$250,000)
UFA - 5
FWD Line 1 - t’s been rumoured that Bedard might play RW in his first season, I don’t believe it, I think they’ll give him a huge leash at C. If not, I could definently see a Reichel - Hall- Bedard line or even hall playing a bit of RW if that’s the plan so you can experiment with reichel on the left/ mabye play him at right with them on that top line if he plays well midway through the season, but they drafted him as a Left winger so that’s where I assume they’ll want to give him his playing time. As for raddysh, this team has no high end right wingers but he’s the best out of the **** so there ya go have fun with the ice time.

FWD Line 2 - Reichel and AA had INSANE chemistry last year, and the AA extension just leads me to believe that they want him to stick around and jumpstart reichels career on the same line. Thing is though, this team has no actual centres, just experimented with a few like reichel and AA up the middle, so I can definently see reichel take Centre if they feel he fits there but for now AA is who I’d put there. As for RW, it could honestly be anybody but I’d put Johnson there just slightly over Perry for now to create a super ****ing fast line, but I can definently see raddysh or Perry playing there especially if Davidson gets somebody else to play the right side as part of his plan.

FWD Line 3 - Guttman had a real good showing to end the season last year, why not give him a shot with another youngster kurashev to get some magic working, although I can definently see him being more of a 4th line / depth piece if he doesn’t play well and stay consistent. As for Perry, I feel like he’s super underrated, mabye even 2nd line material over Johnson to start the season as he filled in at the 3rd line and tore it up for Tampa a lot throughout the season and especially playoffs.

FWD Line 4 - Anybody in those bottom 6 could play here tbh, there will inevitably be injuries and the scratches will get more than enough playing time, especially Katchouk who is super fun to watch once every blue moon. As for the fourth line itself, Dickinson had a solid campaign last year and earned a spot on the teams top 9 very consistently. mabye he even replaces guttman depending on camp. Then you have the locker room vet foligno who is there for experience on the left and I don’t see ever being out of the lineup, and donato who davidson himself said he picked up because he can play any position and anywhere up or down the roster.

**AA is Andreas Athanasiou for those who don’t know

1st D pairing - Next year will be the most open year for LDs on this team, and it’s our younger guys time to prove themselves as legit NHL defencemen. Vlasic is a big body and will get the biggest chance by far, and I hope he does well. And then you have Seth to help back him up.

2nd D pairing. - I do think korchinski will be good enough out of camp to get a stint with the team, as Davidson has shown to be not scared of burning the first year of our players’ ELCs (Reichel). I don’t imagine he would keep korchinski here to play a bottom pair role as he’d be better off in juniors at that point (where he will likely be sent back after the world juniors that he plays in finishes up) so putting him with a solid leadership guy in Murphy is a nice pairing and Murphy compliments his offense quite nicely while helping prepare him for a full season next year and to be a leader in the room eventually.

3rd D pairing - Imma start with RD here as this team has no right D, Zaitsev is the obvious option as there’s (almost) nobody else, except it’s been rumoured that Nolan Allan might be moved to RD as there’s a super big excess amount of LD, so he could definently be a surprise out of camp to make the team and play that third pairing Dman role. Then on the left it’s pretty open, most likely than not they’re going to give Kaiser the year in Rockford before calling him up again, but between tinordi, Roos and Phillips it’s going to be close. Tinordi is one of the biggest voices in the locker room, even sporting the A a couple times last year after being a waiver pickup halfway through the season. Phillips too played a couple games up, and is a better cantidate than Roos imo atleast for now. Once Korchinski gets sent back it’ll be between Phillips and Roos for the last roster spot for sure. I just don’t see tinordi coming out for now but that doesn’t mean phillips and Roos won’t get their opportunities

Goaltenders - Pretty obvious, Mrazek will start the season with soderblom finally playing in the NHL full time, although I wouldn’t be opposed to somebody like Stauber or Commesso making it out of camp, but probably not commesso as I don’t think they’ll rush him, they’ll probably give him a couple years in Rockford.

Ty for reading if u read all of that 😂😂 I don’t know if posts get comments at 3:30AM but I’m excited to see what u hawks(or non hawks!!) fans think when I wake up.
Retained Salary Transactions
Recapture Fees
DraftRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7
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Logo of the CHI
Logo of the TOR
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Logo of the CHI
Logo of the NYR
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Logo of the CHI
Logo of the CHI
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Logo of the CHI
Logo of the OTT
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Logo of the CHI
Logo of the CHI
Left WingCentreRight Wing
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 2
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
$950,000$950,000 (Performance Bonus$3,500,000$4M)
RFA - 3
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
$925,000$925,000 (Performance Bonus$505,000$505K)
RFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 2
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
RFA - 2
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
RFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
$775,000$775,000 (Performance Bonus$325,000$325K)
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 2
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
RFA - 1
Left DefenseRight DefenseGoaltender
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
$916,667$916,667 (Performance Bonus$850,000$850K)
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 7
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
$918,333$918,333 (Performance Bonus$1,000,000$1M)
RFA - 3
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 3
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
RFA - 2
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
UFA - 1
Logo of the Chicago Blackhawks
$859,167$859,167 (Performance Bonus$32,500$32K)
RFA - 1

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Top Comments

Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:38 a.m.
Go for the cup in 25
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Heh props to you man at doing this at 3:30 in the morning (I live in the west so it’s 12:30 here) I’m not a black hawks fan but what I read I think is fine good explanation and yeah (hope you get a good sleep lol)
Armetholist and Dekes liked this.
Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:42 a.m.
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Haha thanks man hope u enjoy the cup <3
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:47 a.m.
Go for the cup in 25
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Quoting: Armetholist
Haha thanks man hope u enjoy the cup <3

Heh of course and also hope you get a good rest man (not tying to be creepy just it’s late and yeah)(maybe I should be getting sleep...)
Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:49 a.m.
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For that second line why not just run Johnson at Center?
He played Center his whole time in tampa and was rather decent at the draw averaging between 48-52% and is defensively reliable.
AA was never a true Center really even at his best in Detroit he only took about 300 draws max and was below 42% and they don’t need Reichel to play Center as they have Bedard and Moore as their top 6 centers for the future. Guys like Greene/ Thompson/ dach can fill out the bottom 2.

Pretty solid big 4 so far they have for the future though
Reichel- Bedard - X
X - Moore - Nazar
The speed those 4 guys have is ridiculous
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Aug. 5, 2023 at 3:53 a.m.
Go for the cup in 25
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Quoting: Dekes
For that second line why not just run Johnson at Center?
He played Center his whole time in tampa and was rather decent at the draw averaging between 48-52% and is defensively reliable.
AA was never a true Center really even at his best in Detroit he only took about 300 draws max and was below 42% and they don’t need Reichel to play Center as they have Bedard and Moore as their top 6 centers for the future. Guys like Greene/ Thompson/ dach can fill out the bottom 2.

Pretty solid big 4 so far they have for the future though
Reichel- Bedard - X
X - Moore - Nazar
The speed those 4 guys have is ridiculous

Had to double take cuz you said Dach going to say Kirby’s in MTL but then forgot his brother is with the CHI organization 😅
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