
I promise there is a world where all of this makes sense

Team: 2023-24 Vancouver Canucks
Initial Creation Date: Jun. 14, 2023
Published: Jun. 16, 2023
Salary Cap Mode: Basic
Left Handed
Original Team
Waivers Exempt
Right Handed
Trade Clause
Max Perf. Bonus
Expiry Status
Term Remaining
Logo of the Edmonton Oilers
Waivers ExemptMcDavid, Connor
$12,500,000 (Performance Bonus$250,000)
UFA - 5
I haven't been making realistic rosters recently, so lets stick to that trend. Basically tick off all the boxes for a successful post season for the nucks

-Move out OEL and Myers
-Revamp D core, try and get a partner for Hughes
-Refuel prospect pool from stacked draft by landing as many early picks as possible
-Draft a RHD
-Draft a Swede
-Acquire a centerman who's a PK specialist
-Fit under salary cap

As always, there's a bit of praying involved with these moves, like Chicago being desperate enough for a top end pick while also meeting the demand of the cap floor, a GM actually wanting Myers, Boston being desperate enough to shed cap that they'd trade Carlo, Carlo waiving his M-NTC if Vancouver's on it, Silvos playing at WC caliber, Compher not extending, and a whole lot of avoiding injuries. All things considered, Vancouver has themselves a crazy amount of demands to meet if they want to be good, while having very few assets to facilitate, so if they can in fact close out any of these moves, they're at least making some form of progress. Best case scenario this team is still a wildcard team, worst case, everything falls apart and they look no better than where they started, but hey, what do they have to lose?
Free Agent Signings
Willander, Tom
Bonk, Oliver
  1. 2023 1st round pick (TBL)
  2. 2023 2nd round pick (CHI)
Additional Details:
Literally any return for OEL is a positive, so being able to add 2 prospects to your dry prospect pool is massive, while also shedding over 7 mil in cap. This would actually give Canucks fans the hope they've been looking for. Now, personally I doubt this goes through, but it was rumored that a trade like this was possible, so I'm taking a swing at it.
  1. Ekman-Larsson, Oliver
  2. 2023 1st round pick (VAN)
Additional Details:
At first, this might seem like a lot to send out for a cap dump of one of the league's worst contracts, which is right to assume because it is, but if you're Chicago, you get a chance to turn Jayden Perron and Mikhail Gulyayev (probably) into a guy like Oliver Moore or Sandin-Pellikka (potentially), that's a massive jump, and the OEL contract is bad, but you need to reach cap floor, and by the time this contract is a problem, it'll be way easier to move than it is now,
  1. Carlo, Brandon
  2. Reilly, Mike
  3. 2024 5th round pick (BOS)
Additional Details:
Carlo is the perfect fit with Hughes, finally Vancouver can get a guy who can be on a pair with their star defenseman long term. Mike Reilly, though definitely overpaid, only has a year left, and he can't be worse than OEL on the left side. Also the pick is cool I guess
  1. Garland, Conor ($1,450,000 retained)
Additional Details:
The team is trying to shed cap, so moving out 7.1 mil and a 5th for a really underrated middle 6 winger on a crazy good contract after retention is perfect for the Bruins, especially if they lose a guy like Hall to the cap crunch. It's unfortunate to have to part ways with Carlo, but a sacrifice has to be made to have the team cap situation under control by next season.

To everyone rushing to the comments to say "Garland is still 3.5 mil in cap, which is more than Mike Reilly, and makes opening space for Bertuzzi irrelevant!", you'd be right, but remember that first, Garland at 3.5 is infinitely better than Reilly at 3, second, this gets rid of the need to keep Hall and his 6 mil salary because there's no longer a drop off in winger talent, meaning that you can look at it not as losing half of the 7.1 mil salary you dumped, but as an extension of a Hall trade, replacing him with an option that's 2.5 mil cheaper. And third, shut up, I traded OEL and got back a 1st, this trade isn't close to the hardest to believe.
    Considerations, Future

    The end of an era for the Canucks, being completely honest, I'm gonna miss making fun of the guy, but other than that, I don't think Vancouver fans are gonna look back after this trade. Myers has basically been the symbol of Vancouvers awful signing era, with guys like Eriksson, Vrbata, Beagle, and other notable names being just a few of the guys to make a living off of being bad. Freeing up the 6 mil a year early at the cost of a 4th definitely is ok in nucks fans' eyes.

    It is definitely disappointing to see Considerations go like this though, he's been a key prospect for this team, and I could absolutely see the Nucks looking back and wishing they had this one.
    1. Myers, Tyler
    2. 2024 4th round pick (VAN)
    Additional Details:
    Any team, doesn't really matter

    Lmao imagine being the team to willingly take Myers stupid a** gm get fleeced.
    Retained Salary Transactions
    DraftRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7
    Logo of the TBL
    Logo of the CHI
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the TOR
    Logo of the DET
    Logo of the NYR
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the NJD
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the BOS
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Logo of the VAN
    Left WingCentreRight Wing
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    LW, RW
    UFA - 2
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    C, LW
    UFA - 1
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    LW, RW
    UFA - 3
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    RW, LW
    UFA - 1
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    C, LW, RW
    UFA - 7
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 2
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    LW, RW
    RFA - 2
    C, RW
    UFA - 5
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    $925,000$925,000 (Performance Bonus$850,000$850K)
    RW, LW
    RFA - 1
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 1
    C, RW
    UFA - 2
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    RW, C
    UFA - 1
    Left DefenseRight DefenseGoaltender
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 4
    Logo of the Boston Bruins
    UFA - 4
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 3
    UFA - 6
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 1
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    $786,111$786,111 (Performance Bonus$30,000$30K)
    RFA - 1
    Logo of the Boston Bruins
    UFA - 1
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 2
    ScratchesInjured Reserve (IR)Long Term IR (LTIR)
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 2
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 1
    Logo of the Vancouver Canucks
    UFA - 2

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    Top Comments

    Jun. 16, 2023 at 7:49 p.m.
    Blackhawks Faithful
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    Damn took you so long to write it out Vancouver decided to just buy out OEL...


    Also Chi would have said no to that trade. If the rumor is correct, it was the 11oa to take him for future considerations and Vancouver said no.
    jfkst1, TJTwolf, Snowhawk18 and 1 other person liked this.
    Jun. 16, 2023 at 7:52 p.m.
    Kampf Supremacy
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    Quoting: RicXX
    Damn took you so long to write it out Vancouver decided to just buy out OEL...



    I don't have my phone on me, so I missed the buyout. Brutal.

    But hey, on the bright side, OEL buyout smile
    RicXX, OldNYIfan, TJTwolf and 1 other person liked this.
    Jun. 16, 2023 at 7:55 p.m.
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    Bruins decline. They need a 2RD way more than another RW, and simply buying out Reilly costs next to nothing against the cap
    Jun. 16, 2023 at 7:58 p.m.
    Blackhawks Faithful
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    Quoting: Random_internet_guy_1967

    I don't have my phone on me, so I missed the buyout. Brutal.

    But hey, on the bright side, OEL buyout smile

    Great way to look at it!

    I'm over here in Ottawa lmao though... all that work, and some stranger on ACGM breaks the news to you... lol have a great one!
    OldNYIfan, TJTwolf and Garak liked this.
    Jun. 16, 2023 at 8:12 p.m.
    Ducks and Kings Fan
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    Talk about Overtaken By Events . . . now go buy yourself some lottery tickets, you've used up your month's allotment of bad luck! smile
    TJTwolf and Garak liked this.
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