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Jun. 18, 2015
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Forum: Armchair-GMNov. 5, 2015 at 1:18 p.m.
Thread: trade sid
Forum: Armchair-GMAug. 26, 2015 at 1:45 p.m.
Thread: shit hawks
Forum: Armchair-GMAug. 26, 2015 at 1:29 p.m.
Thread: shit hawks
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>F50marco</b></div><div><i><div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>exo2769</b></div><div><i>Pass Pass Pass. Don't give us your garbage and expect a top prospect and veteran D-man. And if you don't think Nash is garbage then why are your last oh...100 posts trading him away.</i></div></div>


Nothing wrong with saying you wouldn't make this trade, that's what the comments section is for but in <strong>no way</strong> can anyone possibly make any sense of your argument. Top prospect? Panarin? The guy that was never drafted? The guy who played on the best team in the KHL last year hence the high point totals? The guy who put up nice numbers whose entering his prime in a league of ex-NHL/AHL talented players????? You know who else had great numbers at 23 in the KHL? Roman Cervenka. Yup, he certainly became a main-stay with the Flames a couple years ago.

Don't get me wrong, Panarin is a fine free agent pick up when considering he cost you nothing to attain except a rookie contract but saying he's a top prospect is ludicrous. If he was a top prospect he would of been drafted already like every other russian top prospect was.

Garbage? No no no I think you forgot what that slang hockey term means. Let me refresh your memory. Scuderi, Clarkson, Umberger, etc. You somehow managed to find insult in one of the most prolific goal scorers of our era..... Is he still elite? Probably not but is he garbage? No way not even close. Don't take a couple of lacklustre playoff performances and make it out to be that his 40+ goals this season doesn't mean anything. That's ignorant. Maybe a refresher on Nash's stats will give you some insight but more importantly, look at who his centerman were when he was scoring 30+ goal seasons like it was nobodies business early on in his career. Tell me, who has been feeding Ovechkin and Stamkos passes in their past years? Exactly. A garbage player scoring 30 goals with an almost decrepit Sergei Fedorov as your center is pretty fucking magnanimous if you ask me. Take a look yourself.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Marc Staal? Garbage? What peace pipe have you been smoking? As I take it by your "Don't give <strong>us</strong>" comment, that you are a Hawks fan. Not all teams are as blessed as yours with elite defenseman but calling Staal garbage is the equivalent of saying Hjalmarsson is garbage. Staal is solid and still in his prime for a top 4 Dman. He seems overpaid since he's not a point producing player, that's his discredit but "garbage" player he is not. Seabrook is an amazing Dman don't get me wrong! That is why your not going to be able to afford him in 16-17 because he'll be 7.5M+ a year easily. Making him un-signable for the Hawks. (Barring a Kane contract termination which the NHLPA will file a grievance against anyway)

Now let's re-evaluate this trade scenario as if Chicago had the space to add these guys. Since you won't be able to resign Seabrook and he will be a UFA (Since this roster is based off of 16-17), your basically saying Panarin and a 4th is not worth Nash and Staal? Staal easily comes in and helps fix the crater left by Seabrook's departure. Nash comes in and replaces a good chunk of Kane's scoring (Not to mention also that Nash on the left side of Toews for a full season would mean that Nash would have a really good chance to become the Hawks first 40+ goal scorer since TONY EFFING AMONTE in '99.

But wait! There's more!

Let's just say you still hate these guys so much and you just don't want them on your team. Fine! That's the beauty of having players with value. They're tradable. Now if you don't think Rick Nash and Marc Staal, if traded separately wouldn't get you more than a 4th rounder and a decent but still unknown prospect in Panarin. Then you sir, don't know jack squat and I'd love to see your "metics" prove otherwise.

If there's anything that's garbage on this page, it's the MacCup16's choice for name of his fantasy team.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>thedrizzle67</b></div><div><i>nash in 12 or 13 seasons has 3 40 goal years..........dont make it sound like its a regular thing hhahahaa

ovi and stamkos shit on him daily</i></div></div>

Well isn't this the dumbest post ever! Yeah ok, maybe you didn't realise that Ovi and Stamkos shit on 700+ other players in the NHL when it comes to scoring goals? So Nash isn't a franchise player like those other two any more, he still has 40+ goals 3 out of the 12 seasons, 30+ goals 8 out of those 12 seasons and in his entire career so far has maintained a 0.44 G/GP average. Then throw in the fact that he scored his highest amount of goals in a season last year with 42..............

Yeah, yeah <em>Mr.DontTradeNash</em>, I think you owe these gentleman an apology by stating Nash is a 40 goal scorer! He's clearly only a garbage player that scored 40 goals three times with one of those times being last year. What were you thinking?????</i></div></div>

it was really stupid because he compared him to stamkos and if you tell me you are a forty goal scorer at least do it more than half the time you are in the league. now if he said hes a good goal scorer yeah id buy that but dont make him sound more elite then he really is

better way to say that is/.......hey nash has had a few forty goal years not hes a forty goal scorer that makes it sound like a yearly thing

F50marco and franchise player is nash? hahaha

james neal is a forty goal scorer too lets trade top prospects for him haha idiots
Forum: Armchair-GMAug. 11, 2015 at 4:11 p.m.