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Forum: GM Game 2018-19Feb. 21, 2019 at 1:15 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>ricochetii</b></div><div><a href="/users/A_K" target="_blank">@A_K</a>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quote:</div>I'm looking for some input as to how we can make the voting fair/unbiased/logical.</div>

Transparency for starters. Your credibility and integrity as a GM among your peers is the only real deterrent we have. Anonymous voting is open to campaigning and indefensible choices being made because you don't have to defend your stance to anybody. At least a reason to think twice and attempt to <em>appear</em> unbiased might prevent people from just giving all the points to the person that campaigns the best on twitter. Voting can be private until the series is decided, so people aren't influenced and following others' choices, but ballots should be made public after the fact.

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quote:</div>Offense - 3 pts
Defense - 3 pts
Starting Goaltending - 3 pts
Star Power - 2 pts
Depth (including backup G) - 2 pts
Team Chemistry/Identity/Character - 2 pts
Pick a color, red, black, or white - 2 pts</div>

Star Power should be removed. That already overlaps into the Offense/Defense/Goal categories. If anything, I would say experience is a more significant factor, but that would also overlap in similar fashion.
Depth in the playoffs is just as important as any other category. At least 3 points in this system. I might even suggest higher.

Backup goalie should be included in the Goaltending, not the depth, maybe even it's own separate thing. People are going to put too much weight towards the goalie in relation to the depth of the lineup. They'll do 50/50 for skater/G, when it's probably more like 90/10 (or less). Basically, they'll deduct a point for a poor backup goaltender regardless of how deep your lineup is. If you are running a star goalie and mediocre backup or rookie, that's full value and typical of IRL. If you are running a decent quality tandem, that's also full value. If you have a star goaltender and also a strong backup, that's just bonus points. If you lose your starter for the rest of the post-season, 9 times out of 10 you've lost your post-season anyway.

Team chemistry can be a bonus consideration for having a good mix of youth, vets, speed, skill, toughness, etc. I'll call this "Composition".

Luck seems silly at first glance, but it keeps things interesting and is actually a factor in real life. Not just puck luck, but injury luck, penalty luck, etc. So it makes sense to have some sort of "X-factor".

I'd suggest a factor for home ice advantage as well. Obviously a set value, nothing too significant, but last change and home crowd can be the difference in close games.

This would all work better if each game was done individually, but due to time and effort constraints, we'll have to settle for a series vs. game-by-game setup. We should all take into account that this is actually a (potential) 7 game series and vote accordingly however. If you're thinking of voting overwhelmingly in favor of one team, you're basically saying it's a series sweep. There have been 2 of those per year at most over the last several seasons, only 1 a couple of times, and in one year there were 0.

Perhaps the total points percentage can reflect the actual series result? If there are 100 points total:
50-60 points = 4/3, 61-68 = 4/2, 69-75 = 4/1, 76+ = 4/0
Doesn't impact anything, just dresses up the result.

As for balloting.
Sliding scales (middle means the teams are even in that category)
Offense: 10 (5 is even 0 is max for home, 10 is max for away : A - - - - - 5 - - - - - B)
Defense: 10
Goal: 10
Depth: 6 (3 is even 0 is max for home, 5 is max for away : A - - - 3 - - - B)

Bonus points (Assign additional points for various factors)
A Backup Goal: 0 - 1 - 2
B Backup Goal: 0 - 1 - 2
A Composition: 0 - 1 - 2
B Composition: 0 - 1 - 2
A Power Play: 0 - 1 - 2
B Power Play: 0 - 1 - 2
A Penalty Kill: 0 - 1 - 2
B Penalty Kill: 0 - 1 - 2
X-Factor: 0 - 1 - 2 (I just replaced the colors with numbers)
A Home Ice: 1 - 2 (You can give the home team 1 or 2 points for home ice advantage depending on how big of a factor you think it is. They get 1 point for last change automatically. Give them another point if you think the crowd or their play at home are better than the other team's.)

I tried to work with what you set out and just refine it a little and make it more comprehensive without making it too complicated. Not sure if I succeeded. :p
Look it over anyway and let me know what you think about the adjustments.</div></div>

<img class="for_img" src="" alt="DFA7DFF6CE680FAEDAE9EFA167407DE286B46CB5">
Forum: GM Game 2018-19Feb. 6, 2019 at 6:06 p.m.