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(WSH/LAK) - Kuemper for Dubois

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Jun. 21 at 9:28 p.m.
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Caps got fleeced
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Jun. 23 at 9:06 p.m.
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Quoting: budgeteam
If I recall, both of his trades were prompted by him, not by the team who held his rights.

He didn't want to stay in Columbus. They dealt from a position of weakness so they were unable to get full value (which is what usually happens). I don't think they coveted Laine, but they had to resolve the issue as it was becoming a distraction so they sent him to Winnipeg for Laine. If you know anything about Winnipeg as a city with it's winters, a player asking for a trade being sent there is the most karmic resolution possible.

Then with Winnipeg, he was approaching UFA status so they moved him to get something.

Unless I am mistaken, the Kings are the first time a team has moved on from him rather than Dubois dumping the team and incentivizing them to trade him. His NMC also might have prompted the trade. If he doesn't have a NMC, maybe they give him one more year to see if he can figure things out.

His history as an asset is striking. Even if you go back to his draft, he was apparently a name thrown around in the Subban trades. Had Columbus not taken him at 3, he may have ended up in Montreal.

For someone so analytical. You really ignore the psychology of sports. Some guys have all the talent in the world but just aren’t that competitive like Alex Kovalev.

Dubois has relied on his tools his entire career. That is fine in junior for guys like Yakupov anbd Daigle. PLD has a history of playing a great game that 5 stinkers in a row. He isn’t competitive, he doesn’t care! That much is obvious in his play forgot all your galaxy braining non sense.
Jun. 24 at 12:41 a.m.
couldnt afford 2nd t
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Quoting: FarhanLuigi
For someone so analytical. You really ignore the psychology of sports. Some guys have all the talent in the world but just aren’t that competitive like Alex Kovalev.

Dubois has relied on his tools his entire career. That is fine in junior for guys like Yakupov anbd Daigle. PLD has a history of playing a great game that 5 stinkers in a row. He isn’t competitive, he doesn’t care! That much is obvious in his play forgot all your galaxy braining non sense.

None of that has any relevance to the post you quoted.

Someone said they had never seen such a young player jettisoned from so many teams. Implying that the teams wanted to move on. I replied pointing out that if you deep dive into his trades historically, it is usually the opposite, Dubois is the one who wants to move on, and generally he has been very in demand as an asset. This is the first time where he's been the one dumped, rather than him dumping the team.

I don't understand how you read that post and get any commentary positive or negative on his psychological makeup as an athlete. It's an entirely different topic.
Jun. 24 at 7:42 p.m.
IG vincemark78
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and I will add that I saw that everybody in the room apparently loved him... so maybe it was more of a buyers remorse because of how win now they are and because of the way they need him to play. who knows. but its weird he was so bad last year.

ill be willing to admit and say, maybe he doesn't suck as a person.... maybe

still the weirdest career i've ever seen from a 5OA+ pick

but i guess well see what happens with Laine eh
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