
TOR Trade

Created by: NateElder12
Team: 2017-18 Anaheim Ducks
Initial Creation Date: Mar. 7, 2017
Published: Mar. 7, 2017
Salary Cap Mode: Basic
Free Agent Signings
    To not take Manson
    1. Etem, Emerson
    2. 2018 6th round pick (ANA)
    1. Nylander, William
    2. 2018 3rd round pick (SJS)
    3. 2019 4th round pick (TOR)
    1. Vatanen, Sami
    2. 2018 1st round pick (ANA)
    3. 2019 2nd round pick (ANA)
    Retained Salary Transactions
    DraftRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the SJS
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the TOR
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Logo of the ANA
    Left WingCentreRight Wing
    $894,167$894,167 (Performance Bonus$850,000$850K)
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 4
    $894,167$894,167 (Performance Bonus$850,000$850K)
    UFA - 1
    C, LW
    UFA - 4
    UFA - 4
    RW, LW
    UFA - 5
    C, RW
    UFA - 5
    RW, LW
    UFA - 2
    UFA - 1
    C, LW
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 1
    C, RW
    UFA - 1
    RW, C
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 1
    Left DefenseRight DefenseGoaltender
    UFA - 5
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 2
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 2
    UFA - 1
    UFA - 1
    ScratchesInjured Reserve (IR)Long Term IR (LTIR)
    UFA - 4

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    Mar. 7, 2017 at 11:09 a.m.
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    I think someone like Shaw would be taken over Etem. I would prefer to lose Etem though. I feel we would have to lose a first rounder for Nylander. I wish this trade would happen though.
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 11:24 a.m.
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    Quoting: awatt
    I think someone like Shaw would be taken over Etem. I would prefer to lose Etem though. I feel we would have to lose a first rounder for Nylander. I wish this trade would happen though.

    I think a frst rounder might have to be involved, but is there really a difference between say pick #28 and two picks that fall between in the later parts of rounds 2/3? I added extra compensation which is why I sent Etem to Vegas, but that is mainly out of my own bias. I am a Flyers fan, but watch all the Ducks games, and go to them frequently, and I really like this team but adding a guy like Nylander would set them over the top. I imagine a few years from now seeing them role out a top line of Rakell/Steel/Nylander which would make anyone excited.

    The reason I didn't add more is because Vatanen is clearly a top-4 defenseman and Nylander is still a prospect - albeit a good one, but nothing is certain when it comes to guys 20 and under (unless you're McDavid/Matthews). He will eventually become a casualty to the cap in TOR and if they can get a defenseman on a great contract for a few years including some picks it might be good for them. Who knows, but it's just something to think about.
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 11:25 a.m.
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    I updated it.
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 11:26 a.m.
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    Sorry but in no world is the Nylander trade fair, Nylander is a top rookie, in his rookie year he has a better pp/g than Eichel, and not to say he's better but that he's REALLY GOOD. If we're trading Nylander trade talks it starts with Lindholm not Vatanen
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 11:33 a.m.
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    Quoting: LeafsFan
    Sorry but in no world is the Nylander trade fair, Nylander is a top rookie, in his rookie year he has a better pp/g than Eichel, and not to say he's better but that he's REALLY GOOD. If we're trading Nylander trade talks it starts with Lindholm not Vatanen

    Eichel has been out for half the year. You can't compare that. Let compare Nylander to can't. We can't compare apples to oranges here. As a Ducks fan I would love to keep all of my d-men together but it is not possible. Nylander will be the one to walk or be traded. When all the kids want a raise you will have to make decisions, I understand it is not now but it will be in the near future.

    Quoting: NateElder12
    Quoting: awatt
    I think someone like Shaw would be taken over Etem. I would prefer to lose Etem though. I feel we would have to lose a first rounder for Nylander. I wish this trade would happen though.

    I think a frst rounder might have to be involved, but is there really a difference between say pick #28 and two picks that fall between in the later parts of rounds 2/3? I added extra compensation which is why I sent Etem to Vegas, but that is mainly out of my own bias. I am a Flyers fan, but watch all the Ducks games, and go to them frequently, and I really like this team but adding a guy like Nylander would set them over the top. I imagine a few years from now seeing them role out a top line of Rakell/Steel/Nylander which would make anyone excited.

    The reason I didn't add more is because Vatanen is clearly a top-4 defenseman and Nylander is still a prospect - albeit a good one, but nothing is certain when it comes to guys 20 and under (unless you're McDavid/Matthews). He will eventually become a casualty to the cap in TOR and if they can get a defenseman on a great contract for a few years including some picks it might be good for them. Who knows, but it's just something to think about.

    Ahhh that makes sense. Seeing a Rakell/Steel/Nylander line would be amazing. That would be a fun group to watch.

    Knowing that you go to a lot of ducks games makes sense to why do you a lot of posts for them.
    NateElder12 liked this.
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 11:37 a.m.
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    Quoting: LeafsFan
    Sorry but in no world is the Nylander trade fair, Nylander is a top rookie, in his rookie year he has a better pp/g than Eichel, and not to say he's better but that he's REALLY GOOD. If we're trading Nylander trade talks it starts with Lindholm not Vatanen

    Yeah sorry man just don't see that at all. Actually Eichel is averaging 0.91 pp/g and Nylander is averaging 0.71 pp/g. Career wise Eichel is average more both seasons. Eichel has 42 points in 45 games this season and Nylander has 46 in 63. I know it's normal to over value your own teams players but come on dude you can't say he is even close to Eichel's level. I'll admit like you said he is reallly really good, but at age 20 he is nowhere close to being in the same value as a guy like Lindholm, Doughty, Burns, Karlsson, etc. - a true #1 Defender. He is worth #2-#3 area and that is what you get in Vatanen. I'll admit it is probably better for the Leafs to hold onto him, because they could get a lot more later but the offer is definitely "fair." It just may not be what the "projected future value" of Nylander may be which could eventually be a top defensemen on someones team.
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 11:57 a.m.
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    No I don't mean to compare him to Eichel, but he's definitely in an echelon above Vatanen, Probably of the value of a Max Domi... He's really really good, I know Lindholm is really good in his own right, but Vatanen doesn't cut it

    I don't think TO is interested in trading him either
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 12:43 p.m.
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    Im confident that Nylander is untouchable
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 12:44 p.m.
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    Quoting: gunshot125
    Im confident that Nylander is untouchable

    Never said he was touchable.. I was just showing a fair value trade
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 1:26 p.m.
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    All these draft picks really just clutter the trade don't show that much value. IMO the Ducks/Leafs have a deal for the draft exposed Vatanen, but it sure won't be Nylander. Of course the Ducks will want to make the best trade possible but there aren' that many team that can fit Vatanen in as one of the top 3 protected Dmen.....The Leafs can cause they can protect 4 or 5 Dmen in the trade.
    The Ducks might be interested in NHLers or near NHLers than do not need protection. I'm thinking more along the lines of Hyman, Kapanen, Dermot or Lindberg might be players that would be value in a trade.
    Mar. 7, 2017 at 1:26 p.m.
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    No way that Nylander trade happens. Established top 4 Dmen are worth a lot more than Nylander alone.
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