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Created by: bruins2k11
Team: 2019-20 Boston Bruins
Initial Creation Date: Apr. 2, 2019
Published: Apr. 2, 2019
Salary Cap Mode: Basic
When there is an injury call up Vaakanainen
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UFA - 6
Logo of the Boston Bruins
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UFA - 2
Logo of the Boston Bruins
$863,333$863,333 (Performance Bonus$450,000$450K)
UFA - 1
Logo of the Boston Bruins
UFA - 2
Logo of the Boston Bruins
UFA - 4
Logo of the Boston Bruins
$925,000$925,000 (Performance Bonus$212,500$212K)
UFA - 1
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$769,167$769,167 (Performance Bonus$117,500$118K)
RFA - 3
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UFA - 1
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UFA - 1
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$2,000,000$2,000,000 (Performance Bonus$1,750,000$2M)
UFA - 1
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Apr. 2, 2019 at 12:01 p.m.
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I think Lauko cracks the lineup.

I see almost no way they go into next season with Backes, Krejci, Miller and Krug. 1-4 of those guys are being moved. I can't decide if Krejci played his way into being traded or not being traded.
Apr. 2, 2019 at 12:29 p.m.
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Quoting: Propeller09
I think Lauko cracks the lineup.

I see almost no way they go into next season with Backes, Krejci, Miller and Krug. 1-4 of those guys are being moved. I can't decide if Krejci played his way into being traded or not being traded.

Krejci said after his contract he’s going to Europe. If I was another team trading for him, I would be really worried that he would just bolt.
The only way I see Miller or Krug moving is if vaak is just so good in training camp that they have to do it.

As for this acgm, I think it’s fantastic. The only thing I would change is that heinen deserves a bigger contract, and will likely get it
Apr. 2, 2019 at 12:40 p.m.
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I think krug for picks or a winger makes the most sense. I hope stud is ready to play that 3rd line center and honestly I want Frederik centering that 4th line and being here not in providence
Apr. 2, 2019 at 3:12 p.m.
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Quoting: Bcarlo25
Krejci said after his contract he’s going to Europe. If I was another team trading for him, I would be really worried that he would just bolt.
The only way I see Miller or Krug moving is if vaak is just so good in training camp that they have to do it.

As for this acgm, I think it’s fantastic. The only thing I would change is that heinen deserves a bigger contract, and will likely get it

I know he said that. I just don't think it's true anymore. He has two kids now (i think) that have grown up here and his wife is from NH. I have no doubts he would want to move back, but I am not sure any teams in the Czech league could pay him what he would be paid here. Also - he said after his NHL Career was done - he isn't leaving the NHL before he can't play here anymore.

Now, I created my own family — they're American — but it would be nice to show my kid, or kids in five, six years, where I'm from. By the time [my deal expires], I'll be 35. If I have one more NHL season in me, then I would play, but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home.
Apr. 2, 2019 at 4:23 p.m.
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Quoting: Propeller09
I know he said that. I just don't think it's true anymore. He has two kids now (i think) that have grown up here and his wife is from NH. I have no doubts he would want to move back, but I am not sure any teams in the Czech league could pay him what he would be paid here. Also - he said after his NHL Career was done - he isn't leaving the NHL before he can't play here anymore.

Now, I created my own family — they're American — but it would be nice to show my kid, or kids in five, six years, where I'm from. By the time [my deal expires], I'll be 35. If I have one more NHL season in me, then I would play, but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home.

No. He said when his contract expired
Apr. 2, 2019 at 4:33 p.m.
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Quoting: Bcarlo25
No. He said when his contract expired

No. That is the actual quote. Sorry it doesn't fit your narrative.
Apr. 2, 2019 at 5:33 p.m.
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Quoting: Propeller09

Dude. It literally says in that article that Krejci said he plans to return to Europe when his contract expired. Yes, he did elaborate to say that he would consider playing one more year in the nhl after his deal expired, but that he planned on leaving North America when his deal was up. Swing and a miss
Apr. 3, 2019 at 8:27 a.m.
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Quoting: Bcarlo25
Dude. It literally says in that article that Krejci said he plans to return to Europe when his contract expired. Yes, he did elaborate to say that he would consider playing one more year in the nhl after his deal expired, but that he planned on leaving North America when his deal was up. Swing and a miss

"but it would be nice to show my kid, or kids in five, six years, where I'm from. By the time [my deal expires], I'll be 35. If I have one more NHL season in me, then I would play, but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home".

It seems like he was thinking it would be a stretch to still be am NHL caliber player at 35 and when THAT happens he would return to Czech. What is actually says is when my NHL career is done, I will go back home and play. well, actually he said it would be nice.
Apr. 3, 2019 at 9:08 a.m.
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Quoting: Propeller09
"but it would be nice to show my kid, or kids in five, six years, where I'm from. By the time [my deal expires], I'll be 35. If I have one more NHL season in me, then I would play, but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home".

It seems like he was thinking it would be a stretch to still be am NHL caliber player at 35 and when THAT happens he would return to Czech. What is actually says is when my NHL career is done, I will go back home and play. well, actually he said it would be nice.

Again...from the article that you cited.
“Krejci, who has just concluded the first season of a six-year, $43.5 million contract, plans to go back to his native country of the Czech Republic after his deal expires.”
Apr. 3, 2019 at 10:48 a.m.
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Quoting: Bcarlo25
Again...from the article that you cited.
“Krejci, who has just concluded the first season of a six-year, $43.5 million contract, plans to go back to his native country of the Czech Republic after his deal expires.”

Well - you are quoting DJ Bean's interpretation of what Krejci said. Not what Krejci actually said. Here is what Krejci said. It's really not something you can argue.
Krejci's words (not Bean's)- "but it would be nice to show my kid, or kids in five, six years, where I'm from. By the time [my deal expires], I'll be 35. If I have one more NHL season in me, then I would play, but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home".

He really couldn't have been any more clear. Yes, he plans to return to Czech when his NHL playing career is over. 6 years ago - he thought 35 might be that time, but he didn't say he was going home when he current contract was up. Seems pretty clear he is saying yeah, hopefully I get another 3 year 6m deal after this, but if I don't I go back. "but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home" - BUT NO MATTER WHEN OR HOW - IF I WILL BE 36 (end of Bruins contract), 38 or 39 (Another contract after current) . C'mon. Reading comprehension.
Apr. 3, 2019 at 12:40 p.m.
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Quoting: Propeller09
Well - you are quoting DJ Bean's interpretation of what Krejci said. Not what Krejci actually said. Here is what Krejci said. It's really not something you can argue.
Krejci's words (not Bean's)- "but it would be nice to show my kid, or kids in five, six years, where I'm from. By the time [my deal expires], I'll be 35. If I have one more NHL season in me, then I would play, but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home".

He really couldn't have been any more clear. Yes, he plans to return to Czech when his NHL playing career is over. 6 years ago - he thought 35 might be that time, but he didn't say he was going home when he current contract was up. Seems pretty clear he is saying yeah, hopefully I get another 3 year 6m deal after this, but if I don't I go back. "but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home" - BUT NO MATTER WHEN OR HOW - IF I WILL BE 36 (end of Bruins contract), 38 or 39 (Another contract after current) . C'mon. Reading comprehension.

Dj bean hasn’t really had too many blemishes on his record that I’m aware of. I don’t think he just made something up
Apr. 3, 2019 at 12:51 p.m.
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Quoting: Bcarlo25
Dj bean hasn’t really had too many blemishes on his record that I’m aware of. I don’t think he just made something up

I am not saying he did. I am saying that was his interpretation. What Krejci actually said is pretty close, but doesn't get as many clicks.

which gets more clicks?

"Krejci to finish career in Czech after contract" or "krejci plans to play in Czech after he is no longer relevant in the NHL".

No, he didn't lie, he took one part of what Krejci said.

again. There is no argument. None.

" I'll be 35. If I have one more NHL season in me, then I would play, but no matter when or how, if I'll be 36 or 38 or 39, I want to finish my career back home".
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