Forums/NHL Trades

(NSH/TBL) - Jeannot for Foote, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

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Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
The only thing is that in those 400+ future games, Jeannot won't be making 800K.

He'll need to have an extension with a much higher cap hit.

This trade isn't Brandon Hagel 2.0.

It's worse than that for Tampa.

It's ok to admit Julien Brisebois shouldn't have made this trade.

His 5 or 6 year deal that will likely be 2-2.5 aav based on what he was already negotiating with Nashville. Yeah, that's a backbreaking number for Tampa. I guess you have that crystal ball out again saying it won't end up like Hagel, when Hagel was highly underperforming after 20 games last year. Just another who thinks a trade is decided after 20 whole games...
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:18 p.m.
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Quoting: Steven_Stamkos
Firstly, your assumption I somehow live in my own world is outlandish. Me presenting an argument is no different from what you're doing. However, a fact you clearly didn't grasp is that I never said this was a "good+" trade. I said that every trade is a gamble and if things go south in any trade, you can usually make a last resort move to regain literally anything so you aren't left with nothing at all. You're skewing my words.

#4 is irrelevant. The trade is done. There was an asking price and it was paid.

#2 has nothing to do with me. I am being honest. I'm not a member of the organization, I don't speak for them or know exactly what they are thinking all the time. But players and management have stated that they currently don't value draft picks as much as other people in the league do. JBB said that at the deadline THIS season. I'm simply echoing their words and actions. And there's a difference between not caring about draft picks and being stupid. It's called bargaining.

#3 you are absolutely correct. But your argument is only partially applicable because as you already stated, it's top 10 protected. So if they do end up being that bad in two years it won't matter, they get the pick back. I'm willing to bet they won't be that bad, and back comes the point I made about said player Nashville would draft 11-32 in 2025 not becoming a roster player until 2027-28.

#1 and #5 are interesting. Referring back to your earlier post, you seem to not care about championships. If Ottawa won 4 straight cups but traded 2 first round picks to acquire a bottom 6 piece that assisted in winning even 1 of those cups, you would be the only one crying about an overpayment. No one cares about "overpayments" when a team wins a championship after a trade. You can knit pick things to death and attempt to assemble the perfect GM track record where no faults or questionable moves occur anywhere in the tenure, but that is not the real world. That's how it looks to me from where I'm sitting. It was consensus from the day it happened that Tampa probably paid more than they should have for Jeannot. Again I ask, what's the cost? No one gives a rat's a$$ about exported parts when a team is in the final 4 or wins a cup. You can try to find the perfect way and sit stagnant forever, or take a chance and pay for something and see if it works out. That description does in fact apply to JBB. Everyone said the same thing about Coleman, Gaudreau, Hagel, Savard. No one truly cares about picks or pieces that are gone when your team finds success. So if you think he overpaid, that's fine, he has two rings to plug his ears with

Firstly, I never said you live in your own world. You're skewing my words.

#1 --- The trade is done. You're right.

There was an asking price and it didn't have to be paid.

That's relevant to whether Tampa won or lost the trade.

#2 --- You say you don't speak for the Lightning organization.

But then ...

You say you're simply echoing their words and actions.

That doesn't make any sense.

When something doesn't make sense, it's usually not true.

#3 --- The difference between not caring about draft picks and being stupid is not called bargaining.

It's called being wasteful.

#4 --- If a Top 10 protected pick lands in the Top 10, you do get the pick back.

But you typically give up the same pick for the year after that.

And for all we know, it's possible that the 2025 1st could be NHL ready right out of his first training camp.

#5 --- Where did I imply that I don't care about championships?

You're putting words in my mouth again and your nose is as long as Pinocchio's.

#6 --- If an overpayment is unnecessary, then it shouldn't happen.

Jeannot is not going to be the guy who wins the Cup again for Tampa.

It's going to be someone like Hedman or Vasilevsky.

That means this trade for Jeannot was unnecessary and it shouldn't have happened.

#7 --- Everybody will care about picks and pieces when the success your team finds is long gone.

The Cup Final last Summer against Colorado is the beginning of the end for that success.

Did JBB get a ring from that too?
Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:22 p.m.
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Quoting: CD282
I think you missed my point.

No, I missed nothing. JBB is going to more than likely extend Jeannot this Summer to a number both sides are good with. So if Jeannot goes off and gets back to how he was last year, it's still good value for Tampa mid to long term. If he struggles next season after the new deal, then there's some actual merit to the claim Tampa lost the trade. Until either he doesn't re-sign or plays poorly for more than a laughably small sample size, this is not a case of "either way, Tampa lost the trade."
Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:27 p.m.
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Quoting: JTBF81
His 5 or 6 year deal that will likely be 2-2.5 aav based on what he was already negotiating with Nashville. Yeah, that's a backbreaking number for Tampa. I guess you have that crystal ball out again saying it won't end up like Hagel, when Hagel was highly underperforming after 20 games last year. Just another who thinks a trade is decided after 20 whole games...

A trade is decided by how much a team pays.

A fair deal over Jeannot would be no more than a 2nd round pick.

Tampa paid more than a 2nd round pick for Jeannot.

That means Tampa lost the trade.

No crystal ball necessary.
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:32 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
A trade is decided by how much a team pays.

A fair deal over Jeannot would be no more than a 2nd round pick.

Tampa paid more than a 2nd round pick for Jeannot.

That means Tampa lost the trade.

No crystal ball necessary.

Again, I'm in agreement with @JTBF81 here. Very short sighted statement. In a lot of instances, trades are not "decided by how much a team pays". Anything involved in an NHL trade is not stagnant. Players and picks values are constantly changing. You can make arguments for or against it usually for several years.
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:41 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
Firstly, I never said you live in your own world. You're skewing my words.

#1 --- The trade is done. You're right.

There was an asking price and it didn't have to be paid.

That's relevant to whether Tampa won or lost the trade.

#2 --- You say you don't speak for the Lightning organization.

But then ...

You say you're simply echoing their words and actions.

That doesn't make any sense.

When something doesn't make sense, it's usually not true.

#3 --- The difference between not caring about draft picks and being stupid is not called bargaining.

It's called being wasteful.

#4 --- If a Top 10 protected pick lands in the Top 10, you do get the pick back.

But you typically give up the same pick for the year after that.

And for all we know, it's possible that the 2025 1st could be NHL ready right out of his first training camp.

#5 --- Where did I imply that I don't care about championships?

You're putting words in my mouth again and your nose is as long as Pinocchio's.

#6 --- If an overpayment is unnecessary, then it shouldn't happen.

Jeannot is not going to be the guy who wins the Cup again for Tampa.

It's going to be someone like Hedman or Vasilevsky.

That means this trade for Jeannot was unnecessary and it shouldn't have happened.

#7 --- Everybody will care about picks and pieces when the success your team finds is long gone.

The Cup Final last Summer against Colorado is the beginning of the end for that success.

Did JBB get a ring from that too?

Pinocchio's nose lmao I had a good chuckle at that one.

You said I was bending things to fit my narrative. I didn't realize stating facts had anything to do with "creating a narrative". Newsflash, every persons point of view is a narrative. And you saying the truth will set me free as if you're Nostradamus is comedic.

You were the one who used irrelevant things to beef up your argument.

I don't see the point in arguing this to death with you since in your mind the concrete is already dry.
Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:42 p.m.
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Quoting: JTBF81
No, I missed nothing. JBB is going to more than likely extend Jeannot this Summer to a number both sides are good with. So if Jeannot goes off and gets back to how he was last year, it's still good value for Tampa mid to long term. If he struggles next season after the new deal, then there's some actual merit to the claim Tampa lost the trade. Until either he doesn't re-sign or plays poorly for more than a laughably small sample size, this is not a case of "either way, Tampa lost the trade."

Last year he was sporting unsustainable shooting luck. Tampa overpaid with the hope he could get back to that? That was stupid.
Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:43 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
A trade is decided by how much a team pays.

A fair deal over Jeannot would be no more than a 2nd round pick.

Tampa paid more than a 2nd round pick for Jeannot.

That means Tampa lost the trade.

No crystal ball necessary.

Lol, maybe in your mind that's how trades are decided , but that's not even close to how it actually works. Jeannot was worth far more than that at the time of the trade to more than a few teams, as clearly evidenced by the # of teams driving his price up. What you think he was supposedly worth is irrelevant to what the ppl that matter believed he was worth(and were willing to pay), both for this season and with a likely extension coming. Trade values change over time as well, so again, very short sighted to call a trade one way or the other based on 20 regular season games, as well as locking some perceived value that makes it that way(in your mind only, of course).
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:44 p.m.
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Quoting: CD282
Last year he was sporting unsustainable shooting luck. Tampa overpaid with the hope he could get back to that? That was stupid.

Hey cool, we heard that all last season after trading for Hagel. It worked out great for the detractors...
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:51 p.m.
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Quoting: Steven_Stamkos
Again, I'm in agreement with JTBF81 here. Very short sighted statement. In a lot of instances, trades are not "decided by how much a team pays". Anything involved in an NHL trade is not stagnant. Players and picks values are constantly changing. You can make arguments for or against it usually for several years.

Two people from the same fanbase spinning a loss into a win whenever their GM makes a trade.

Not exactly surprising.
Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:57 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
Two people from the same fanbase spinning a loss into a win whenever their GM makes a trade.

Not exactly surprising.

Dawg open your fckn eyes. Neither one of us said we won this trade. All we said is that you can't possibly set **** in stone after 20 games.
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 4:59 p.m.
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Quoting: Steven_Stamkos
Pinocchio's nose lmao I had a good chuckle at that one.

You said I was bending things to fit my narrative. I didn't realize stating facts had anything to do with "creating a narrative". Newsflash, every persons point of view is a narrative. And you saying the truth will set me free as if you're Nostradamus is comedic.

You were the one who used irrelevant things to beef up your argument.

I don't see the point in arguing this to death with you since in your mind the concrete is already dry.

Saying that you state the facts while I use "irrelevant things to beef up my argument" is a narrative.

Can't have it both ways.

It's hard to argue "to death" when you can't even be straight with the other person.

I'm not surprised by your decision.
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:03 p.m.
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Quoting: JTBF81
Lol, maybe in your mind that's how trades are decided , but that's not even close to how it actually works. Jeannot was worth far more than that at the time of the trade to more than a few teams, as clearly evidenced by the # of teams driving his price up. What you think he was supposedly worth is irrelevant to what the ppl that matter believed he was worth(and were willing to pay), both for this season and with a likely extension coming. Trade values change over time as well, so again, very short sighted to call a trade one way or the other based on 20 regular season games, as well as locking some perceived value that makes it that way(in your mind only, of course).

Just because the price on Jeannot kept going up doesn't mean Tampa had to keep bidding.

JBB is supposed to be an NHL GM, not a whale at an auction.
Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:03 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
Saying that you state the facts while I use "irrelevant things to beef up my argument" is a narrative.

Can't have it both ways.

It's hard to argue "to death" when you can't even be straight with the other person.

I'm not surprised by your decision.

You wouldn't know real if it hit you in the face. Not surprised by my decision, good. At least you can acknowledge the person you see every morning in the mirror is impervious to alternate perspectives. Everything I say flies directly over your head
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:10 p.m.
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Quoting: Steven_Stamkos
Dawg open your fckn eyes. Neither one of us said we won this trade. All we said is that you can't possibly set **** in stone after 20 games.

You can determine who wins and loses a trade after 0 games.

If you're paying more for Jeannot than you would for some of the most elite players in the league, you've lost the trade.

I'm sorry I can't explain it any differently for you.
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:10 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
You can determine who wins and loses a trade after 0 games.

If you're paying more for Jeannot than you would for some of the most elite players in the league, you've lost the trade.

I'm sorry I can't explain it any differently for you.

Your thinking is so one-dimensional it's insane.
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:11 p.m.
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Quoting: Steven_Stamkos
You wouldn't know real if it hit you in the face. Not surprised by my decision, good. At least you can acknowledge the person you see every morning in the mirror is impervious to alternate perspectives. Everything I say flies directly over your head

I love you too.
Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:12 p.m.
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Quoting: Steven_Stamkos
Your thinking is so one-dimensional it's insane.

I just tell it like it is.

I wish I could say the same thing about you.
Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:17 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
I just tell it like it is.

I wish I could say the same thing about you.

Wow. That was a very touching Soliloquy. Almost brought a tear to my eye. Pssss... guess what! Dudes who real don't have to go around broadcasting it to try and persuade people. Have a good one
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Apr. 10, 2023 at 5:45 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
Just because the price on Jeannot kept going up doesn't mean Tampa had to keep bidding.

JBB is supposed to be an NHL GM, not a whale at an auction.

Again, based on your opinion, he overpaid. Not based on what many teams thought he was worth. Myself and most Tampa fans will trust Tampa's front office when it comes to player evaluation in trades. 2 cups and 3 straight finals, not to mention being one of, if not the most successful team for the last 8 or so years, gives JBB and Co. a large benefit of the doubt. Most sensible ppl I speak with also don't judge trades by small sample sizes or the price paid on trade day, but this is an online forum, so those types are few and far between on here.
Apr. 10, 2023 at 7:41 p.m.
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Quoting: JTBF81
Again, based on your opinion, he overpaid. Not based on what many teams thought he was worth. Myself and most Tampa fans will trust Tampa's front office when it comes to player evaluation in trades. 2 cups and 3 straight finals, not to mention being one of, if not the most successful team for the last 8 or so years, gives JBB and Co. a large benefit of the doubt. Most sensible ppl I speak with also don't judge trades by small sample sizes or the price paid on trade day, but this is an online forum, so those types are few and far between on here.

1. It's not a matter of opinion he overpaid.

It's a matter of fact.

You have no clue what other teams thought he was worth and can't speak for them.

2. So, basically, if Tampa gives away all their draft picks for the next flashy 4th line meat shield, you will continue to trust Tampa's front office.

Never mind that JBB just basically counted to 5 and handed out a 1st + a 2nd + a 3rd + a 4th + a 5th in one trade for Jeannot.

Once Tampa loses in the playoffs or even fails to make it, you'll be left wondering where all those assets went.

Or why JBB still has a job.

3. Most sensible ppl I speak with also know a bad trade when they see one and have an independent understanding of what a player is worth.

Without needing to put blind faith or trust in someone that lets so much go to waste.

And not continue to make excuses for when that happens.

You don't even realize that a GM has little to no control over his team's success in a given season, once the trade deadline has come and gone.

4. And you say this is an online forum where "sensible ppl" are few and far between?

Well, guess what?

You're still here.

In a fringe minority that can't admit his team ever loses a trade.

For all I know, these "sensible ppl" are your imaginary friends at the sandbox in mommy and daddy's backyard.
Apr. 11, 2023 at 1:06 p.m.
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Jeannot did help the sabres playoff push. He injured one of the worst D in the league during a fight, Riley Stillman, to give the Sabres a fighting chance after KA somehow paid for him in a trade. Stillman minutes have gone way down since the Jeannot battle.

Leafs fans just have to hope he targets Justin Holl next
Apr. 11, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.
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Quoting: sensonfire
1. It's not a matter of opinion he overpaid.

It's a matter of fact.

You have no clue what other teams thought he was worth and can't speak for them.

2. So, basically, if Tampa gives away all their draft picks for the next flashy 4th line meat shield, you will continue to trust Tampa's front office.

Never mind that JBB just basically counted to 5 and handed out a 1st + a 2nd + a 3rd + a 4th + a 5th in one trade for Jeannot.

Once Tampa loses in the playoffs or even fails to make it, you'll be left wondering where all those assets went.

Or why JBB still has a job.

3. Most sensible ppl I speak with also know a bad trade when they see one and have an independent understanding of what a player is worth.

Without needing to put blind faith or trust in someone that lets so much go to waste.

And not continue to make excuses for when that happens.

You don't even realize that a GM has little to no control over his team's success in a given season, once the trade deadline has come and gone.

4. And you say this is an online forum where "sensible ppl" are few and far between?

Well, guess what?

You're still here.

In a fringe minority that can't admit his team ever loses a trade.

For all I know, these "sensible ppl" are your imaginary friends at the sandbox in mommy and daddy's backyard.

Well, as an Ottawa fan, you'd know all about failure and missing playoffs. All those big acquisitions and still not even a wild card, how disappointing. I'll continue to trust the results Tampa has put up with the many successful trades the Yzerman/JBB regime has made over the years. JBB won two cups, so yeah, good luck with having any real Tampa fans wonder why he has the GM job, either now or in future.

You claim Jeannot was worth x value with no evidence, just more baseless speculation from you.
It is actually quite reasonable to draw the conclusion that since Nashville's GM received more interest in Jeannot than any other player in his organization, the Preds didn't have to move him, and they wanted a high return, that whichever tram acquired him wax going to pay for it. Myself and others have already explained why Tampa doesn't care about these picks given where they are positioned, and so it's not worth wasting any more of my time on it.

Jeannot won't be a 4th liner moving ahead either and neither was Hagel, Coleman or Goodrow(the others Tampa supposedly overpaid for). I'm also more than willing to say my team lost a trade, but unlike shortsighted and knee jerk reactionaries like yourself, I don't judge trades after 15-20 games nor call them a loss because of the value paid on trade day.

If the "sensible" ppl you know are anything like yourself...pure hilarity that group must be. Enjoy watching the Sens players on the golf course next week, since they certainly won't be on the ice...
Apr. 11, 2023 at 2:26 p.m.
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Quoting: JTBF81
Well, as an Ottawa fan, you'd know all about failure and missing playoffs. All those big acquisitions and still not even a wild card, how disappointing. I'll continue to trust the results Tampa has put up with the many successful trades the Yzerman/JBB regime has made over the years. JBB won two cups, so yeah, good luck with having any real Tampa fans wonder why he has the GM job, either now or in future.

You claim Jeannot was worth x value with no evidence, just more baseless speculation from you.
It is actually quite reasonable to draw the conclusion that since Nashville's GM received more interest in Jeannot than any other player in his organization, the Preds didn't have to move him, and they wanted a high return, that whichever tram acquired him wax going to pay for it. Myself and others have already explained why Tampa doesn't care about these picks given where they are positioned, and so it's not worth wasting any more of my time on it.

Jeannot won't be a 4th liner moving ahead either and neither was Hagel, Coleman or Goodrow(the others Tampa supposedly overpaid for). I'm also more than willing to say my team lost a trade, but unlike shortsighted and knee jerk reactionaries like yourself, I don't judge trades after 15-20 games nor call them a loss because of the value paid on trade day.

If the "sensible" ppl you know are anything like yourself...pure hilarity that group must be. Enjoy watching the Sens players on the golf course next week, since they certainly won't be on the ice...

1. Pivoting to attacking the Ottawa Senators when you're struggling to justify this trade is a weak deflection on your part.

And your claim that Jeannot is worth whatever JBB paid for him shows that all you can do is parrot his talking points.

2. Jeannot won't be a 4th line meat shield moving ahead.

You're right.

Not yet anyway.

He'll be sitting in the press box with a walking boot or a pair of crutches instead.

We don't even know if he'll be playing at any point in this year's playoffs.

3. You're unable to judge trades and admit your team might have lost one without hindsight bias?

That's too bad.

Enjoy watching Jeannot from the press box when the TV camera focuses in on him.

Knowing he might not play at any point in the 2023 playoffs.

Because no matter how many assets JBB spends on someone to sit in the press box, it will always be worth it.

Forever and for always, in JBB we trust.
Apr. 24, 2023 at 3:55 p.m.
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This has to be one of the worst trades of all time
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