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Oct. 6, 2020
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Forum: NHL SigningsWed. at 8:15 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>dude you are over here constantly trying to compare MC to Crosby.
Just stop.

You make up straw man points and ramble.
The points were never that MC isn't a good player. Never. The point was he's not a franchise level guy and teams need that guy to be real contenders and analytics prove that.

If you can't get that, sit down.

God knows you can stop trying to throw his name next to Crosby and show some "model" that puts him to comparable to Crosby and McDavid.... he's not, and people who do such things are click bait idiots.
There are serious qualitative differences between him and those two. It's not even a close comparable. You should be embarrassed rambling that nonsense and thinking anyone should take it seriously.

Yes we know he's a got a chance to be a good young player... your hype nonsense strawman nonsense.
Lafrenière is a good player too, star portential...... but he's not a FP and people knew that at draft. But you have to get past the click bait hype machine that you think is just "fine" to get that far.

But you clearly aren't reading or have 0 ability to comprehend as that your strawman was never the point.

The point was a whole lot of people talking "future looks bright".... well future looks like mediocrity without a FP forward and analytics show that.
He's not that. Good player, yes, FP no. There is no indication of that right now.

NO FP....NO real contender constant uphill climb. That's what analytics show in the league.
I don't make the rules, I just point out the facts of history.
You over here arguing like you're his mom.</div></div>

“…Malkin and Crosby. No one saying they’re going to be better. No one. “ direct quote from my comment you replied to.

You talk about others reading abilities lol. But your <em>reading comprehension</em> is abysmal.

“We’re talking about the excitement for new players in the league. So the hype is warranted - it shows why you saying other posters are talking “out their a**” is just factually wrong.“ here I’ll dumb this down for you. And I’ll also simplify the model that was shown because youre clearly lost.

- no one say Celebrini = Crosby
- no one say Celebrini &gt; Crosby
- no one say Celebrini will be like Crosby (120p rookie)
- I say Celebrini has shown he should have hype because of his profile
- Celebrini is like Crosby =/= he be Crosby
- =/= means not equal to
- heres a context example: you could say Bedard shoot good like Ovi but that doesn’t mean he is Ovi. Use your reading abilities off this example and apply it to your previous problems.

Take care buddy.
Forum: NHL SigningsWed. at 3:05 p.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsWed. at 9:11 a.m.
Forum: NHL SigningsWed. at 7:53 a.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>Every year people compare prospects who are different. The argument you are making for the sole point of arguing has little barring.
Again, he's not graded as high and it is widely believed to be a weaker draft not only in depth but in overall talent level.
Some drafts are better than others. Period. Most times you know that prior to the draft.
I don't know why you are mentioning guys who aren't even in the same ball park. People knew years before the draft that McDavid would be a generational player. Much like Crosby.
Every step of the way he confirmed it. Unlike some other guys who were "anointed" for lack of a better term but did not make every step up to the draft. But people knew that too.

Either way, comparing players and grading them out is what people do. It's how we get to the point of people saying on draft day that Stutzle should go ahead of Byfield and Lafrenière.
Don't say we weren't out there because we were. We were also right.

Point being there is no issue in comparing different players and being able to grade them out. People do this every draft.
It's been assessed across the board about the talent level of the draft from top to bottom.
Not every draft is going to be great. Some are going to be 2012.
We know that going in.
But you seem to want to preach like no one else knows anything. You should pay close attention to the words those so called draft expert you quoted there use... compete..... as if that makes up the difference. You can't out work hard working high end talent. This has been statistically proven. In the long run you lose.
So saying he competes harder so his draft grade should be as high isn't going to cut it man.

People listen to the vast majority of scouts out there telling you, this draft isn't it and where he grades out in comparison.
Not some guy who says, yeah, his shot isn't nearly as good but he competes harder so....... he's just as good.
It doesn't work that way. That as you say, is an argument just to argue.

As stated before, it's not to knock MC, he could be a very solid player, but he's not grading out like he's going to be a FP level guy. That simply is what it is.

dude get over yourself..... you sound like you're about to open the factory over there.</div></div>

Bro you should read your posts and realize you’re just yapping.

I’m providing experts after you said there are none.

Then you say they can be wrong. Then you just yap some more and say the draft ain’t good.

But I provided what you said wasn’t out there and then you just hold firm.

If you read my point it was that you mainly said:

Macklin ain’t a franchise level player / not as good of a prospect
Macklin ain’t being hyped like the other posters said

But I showed you:
He’s basically almost on level with Bedard in terms of pre draft analysis and hype - but he hasn’t garnered it due to not being in the CHL, yet he’s playing in a harder league.
And that yes, some pros who don’t argue on capfriendly forums think Celebrini can be a franchise 1C.

Im not even saying Celebrini is better than Bedard or on his level. I’m just saying he’s proven there should be some hype around him. But to just scoff at Celebrini and say he’s not all that good is just a subjective opinion not a fact.

And your response was “nope wrong”.

Like you’re not even trying to converse as I said, you’re being stubborn and just arguing to be right not to converse lmao.

<img class="for_img" src="" alt="GOr_dI5awAAupFA.jpg">
If we follow Baders model - which is pretty objective and I think a fair one to use for prospects as it’s not complicated.
Both Celebrini and Smith out pace Draft year expectations for Malkin and Crosby. No one saying they’re going to be better. No one. We’re talking about the excitement for new players in the league. So the hype is warranted - it shows why you saying other posters are talking “out their a**” is just factually wrong.
Forum: NHL SigningsTue. at 9:07 p.m.
<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>He has not graded out on par with Matthews and Hughe.
There is no point in talking with someone who makes crap up as they go.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>LuckyMoneyPuck</b></div><div>He has not graded out on par with Matthews and Hughe.
There is no point in talking with someone who makes crap up as they go.</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>AStovetop</b></div><div>Whos saying this? He's literally graded as on Par with Matthews and Hughes. Behind only the two generational talents in the Connors in the past decade. He's absolutely that guy.

You don't need a generational talent to win a cup. Look at LA 2012 &amp; 14. Look at the four teams remaining, only Edmonton has a player of the caliber that you're talking about. You might as well just tell every team that's not Edmonton, Chicago, or Colorado to stop trying because according to you, if you don't have a top 5 player in the league you have no chance at a cup.

Do you think Smith is going to take this team from 32 to a bubble team? No they're still rebuilding. Also Smith has said that he's willing to play in the AHL if that's what's best for his development.

You have genuinely no clue about this sport</div></div>

<div class="quote"><div class="quote_t">Quoting: <b>HockeyScotty</b></div><div>Ah I see you are trying to drag me down to your level and beat me with experience. Well played sir, well played.

Done here</div></div>

<a href="/users/luckymoneypuck" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@luckymoneypuck</a> you’re literally just arguing for the sake of being right. I have incredibly high hopes for Smith and Celebrini. I have high hopes for Bedard and Clarke. A prospect and the game grows because of excitement and that’s how the game becomes better.

And here I spent 2 minutes to find people who are smarter than us to talk about Celebrini since you clearly won’t take the time to find the experts.

"Celebrini and Bedard are different players, but I think you can project that they're going to have a similar impact in the NHL," said Central Scouting's Jean-Francois Damphousse. "Maybe Bedard's shot release is something special that Celebrini doesn't have, but Celebrini has the competitiveness, playmaking, skating, IQ ... elite in every category. -

“While Celebrini does not shoot it like Bedard, his ability to shoot off the pass and get to the hard areas of the ice for the dirtier goals have allowed Celebrini to score at a rate comparable to Bedard when adjusting for the competitive differences between leagues.

In Byron Bader’s hockey prospect probability model at, Celebrini barely trails Bedard’s draft season in terms of NHL equivalency. Bedard was at an NHLe of 62, while Celebrini has an NHLe of 60.

Bedard had more hype and certainly had better performances in the World Juniors, but Celebrini’s World Under-18 at 16 actually paced better than Bedard’s as Celebrini posted a Canadian record 15 points in seven games.

Comparing two players who play differing styles can be foolhardy at times. I think back to the years where people debated who was better for the Chicago Blackhawks, Patrick Kane or Jonathan Toews. Depending on the year it could be a different answer, though Kane’s prime lasted much longer than Toews’s.”
- Chris Peters

An example of Kane (Bedard) and Toews (Celebrini) - both franchise leaders for their team and had tremendous impact on the NHL.

“Celebrinis prospect models comparables are:
- Bader

Point is at the end of the day we should hope for Macklin to be a franchise player because he’s shown that hype is warranted. It’s better for the game, not better for Sharks fans. Having Macklin being a franchise star in California, only benefits the NHL’s success, and makes the game more exicitng to see another star. We should cheer for a prospects success not against it:
Forum: NHL SigningsAug. 23, 2023 at 6:27 p.m.
Forum: NHLMay 22 at 2:00 p.m.
Forum: Armchair-GMMay 17 at 9:34 a.m.